Merge pull request #55 from rosenbjerg/refactor

Major refactoring and fluent builder pattern

Former-commit-id: 92c1d0f457
This commit is contained in:
Malte Rosenbjerg 2020-05-10 13:26:35 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 70f77cfe0c
160 changed files with 2184 additions and 3393 deletions

View file

@ -1,478 +1,309 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument.Fluent;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using FFMpegCore.Arguments;
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.Exceptions;
namespace FFMpegCore.Test
public class ArgumentBuilderTest : BaseTest
private List<string> concatFiles = new List<string>
{ "1.mp4", "2.mp4", "3.mp4", "4.mp4"};
private readonly string[] _concatFiles = { "1.mp4", "2.mp4", "3.mp4", "4.mp4"};
private FFArgumentBuilder builder;
public ArgumentBuilderTest() : base()
builder = new FFArgumentBuilder();
private string GetArgumentsString(params Argument[] args)
var container = new ArgumentContainer { new InputArgument("input.mp4") };
foreach (var a in args)
container.Add(new OutputArgument("output.mp4"));
return builder.BuildArguments(container);
private string GetArgumentsString(ArgumentContainer container)
var resContainer = new ArgumentContainer { new InputArgument("input.mp4") };
foreach (var a in container)
resContainer.Add(new OutputArgument("output.mp4"));
return builder.BuildArguments(resContainer);
public void Builder_BuildString_IO_1()
var str = GetArgumentsString();
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Scale()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Hd));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -vf scale=-1:720 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").Scale(VideoSize.Hd).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vf scale=-1:720 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Scale_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Scale(VideoSize.Hd));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -vf scale=-1:720 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_AudioCodec()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new AudioCodecArgument(AudioCodec.Aac));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:a aac \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithAudioCodec(AudioCodec.Aac).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -c:a aac \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_AudioBitrate()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new AudioBitrateArgument(AudioQuality.Normal));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -b:a 128k \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithAudioBitrate(AudioQuality.Normal).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -b:a 128k \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Quiet()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new QuietArgument());
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -hide_banner -loglevel warning \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").Quiet().OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -hide_banner -loglevel warning \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_AudioCodec_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().AudioCodec(AudioCodec.Aac).AudioBitrate(128));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:a aac -b:a 128k \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithAudioCodec(AudioCodec.Aac).WithAudioBitrate(128).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -c:a aac -b:a 128k \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_BitStream()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new BitStreamFilterArgument(Channel.Audio, Filter.H264_Mp4ToAnnexB));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -bsf:a h264_mp4toannexb \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_BitStream_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().BitStreamFilter(Channel.Audio, Filter.H264_Mp4ToAnnexB));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -bsf:a h264_mp4toannexb \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithBitStreamFilter(Channel.Audio, Filter.H264_Mp4ToAnnexB).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -bsf:a h264_mp4toannexb \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Concat()
var container = new ArgumentContainer { new ConcatArgument(concatFiles), new OutputArgument("output.mp4") };
var str = builder.BuildArguments(container);
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"concat:1.mp4|2.mp4|3.mp4|4.mp4\" \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Concat_Fluent()
var container = new ArgumentContainer()
var str = builder.BuildArguments(container);
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"concat:1.mp4|2.mp4|3.mp4|4.mp4\" \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromConcatenation(_concatFiles).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"concat:1.mp4|2.mp4|3.mp4|4.mp4\" \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Copy_Audio()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new CopyArgument(Channel.Audio));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:a copy \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Copy_Audio_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Copy(Channel.Audio));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:a copy \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").CopyChannel(Channel.Audio).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -c:a copy \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Copy_Video()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new CopyArgument(Channel.Video));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v copy \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").CopyChannel(Channel.Video).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v copy \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Copy_Video_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Copy(Channel.Video));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v copy \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Copy_Both()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new CopyArgument(Channel.Both));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c copy \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").CopyChannel().OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -c copy \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Copy_Both_Fluent()
public void Builder_BuildString_DisableChannel_Audio()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Copy(Channel.Both));
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").DisableChannel(Channel.Audio).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -an \"output.mp4\"", str);
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c copy \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_DisableChannel_Video()
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").DisableChannel(Channel.Video).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vn \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_DisableChannel_Both()
Assert.ThrowsException<FFMpegException>(() => FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").DisableChannel(Channel.Both));
public void Builder_BuildString_AudioSamplingRate_Default()
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithAudioSamplingRate().OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -ar 48000 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_AudioSamplingRate()
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithAudioSamplingRate(44000).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -ar 44000 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_VariableBitrate()
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithVariableBitrate(5).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vbr 5 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Faststart()
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithFastStart().OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -movflags faststart \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Overwrite()
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").OverwriteExisting().OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -y \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_RemoveMetadata()
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithoutMetadata().OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -map_metadata -1 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Transpose()
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").Transpose(Transposition.CounterClockwise90).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vf \"transpose=2\" \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_CpuSpeed()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new CpuSpeedArgument(10));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -quality good -cpu-used 10 -deadline realtime \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_CpuSpeed_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().CpuSpeed(10));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -quality good -cpu-used 10 -deadline realtime \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithCpuSpeed(10).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -quality good -cpu-used 10 -deadline realtime \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_ForceFormat()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ForceFormatArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -f libx264 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_ForceFormat_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().ForceFormat(VideoCodec.LibX264));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -f libx264 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").ForceFormat(VideoCodec.LibX264).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -f libx264 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_FrameOutputCount()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new FrameOutputCountArgument(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -vframes 50 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_FrameOutputCount_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().FrameOutputCount(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -vframes 50 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithFrameOutputCount(50).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vframes 50 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_FrameRate()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new FrameRateArgument(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -r 50 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_FrameRate_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().FrameRate(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -r 50 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithFramerate(50).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -r 50 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Loop()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new LoopArgument(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -loop 50 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Loop_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Loop(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -loop 50 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").Loop(50).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -loop 50 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Seek()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new SeekArgument(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -ss 00:00:10 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Seek_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Seek(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -ss 00:00:10 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").Seek(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -ss 00:00:10 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Shortest()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ShortestArgument(true));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -shortest \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Shortest_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Shortest());
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -shortest \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").UsingShortest().OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -shortest \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Size()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new SizeArgument(1920, 1080));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -s 1920x1080 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Size_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Size(1920, 1080));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -s 1920x1080 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").Resize(1920, 1080).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -s 1920x1080 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Speed()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new SpeedArgument(Speed.Fast));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -preset fast \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Speed_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Speed(Speed.Fast));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -preset fast \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithSpeedPreset(Speed.Fast).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -preset fast \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_DrawtextFilter()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new DrawTextArgument("Stack Overflow", "/path/to/font.ttf",
("fontcolor", "white"),
("fontsize", "24"),
("box", "1"),
("boxcolor", "black@0.5"),
("boxborderw", "5"),
("x", "(w-text_w)/2"),
("y", "(h-text_h)/2")));
var str = FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4")
.Create("Stack Overflow", "/path/to/font.ttf")
.WithParameter("fontcolor", "white")
.WithParameter("fontsize", "24")
.WithParameter("box", "1")
.WithParameter("boxcolor", "black@0.5")
.WithParameter("boxborderw", "5")
.WithParameter("x", "(w-text_w)/2")
.WithParameter("y", "(h-text_h)/2"))
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vf drawtext=\"text='Stack Overflow': fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf: fontcolor=white: fontsize=24: box=1: boxcolor=black@0.5: boxborderw=5: x=(w-text_w)/2: y=(h-text_h)/2\" \"output.mp4\"", str);
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vf drawtext=\"text='Stack Overflow':fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black@0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2\" \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_DrawtextFilter_Fluent()
public void Builder_BuildString_DrawtextFilter_Alt()
var container = new ArgumentContainer().
DrawText((options) =>
options.Text = "Stack Overflow";
options.FontPath = "/path/to/font.ttf";
options.AddParam("fontcolor", "white")
.AddParam("fontsize", "24")
.AddParam("box", "1")
.AddParam("boxcolor", "black@0.5")
.AddParam("boxborderw", "5")
.AddParam("x", "(w-text_w)/2")
.AddParam("y", "(h-text_h)/2");
var str = GetArgumentsString(container);
var str = FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4")
.Create("Stack Overflow", "/path/to/font.ttf", ("fontcolor", "white"), ("fontsize", "24")))
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vf drawtext=\"text='Stack Overflow': fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf: fontcolor=white: fontsize=24: box=1: boxcolor=black@0.5: boxborderw=5: x=(w-text_w)/2: y=(h-text_h)/2\" \"output.mp4\"", str);
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -vf drawtext=\"text='Stack Overflow':fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:fontcolor=white:fontsize=24\" \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_StartNumber()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new StartNumberArgument(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -start_number 50 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_StartNumber_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().StartNumber(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -start_number 50 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithStartNumber(50).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -start_number 50 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Threads_1()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ThreadsArgument(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -threads 50 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Threads_1_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Threads(50));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -threads 50 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").UsingThreads(50).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -threads 50 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Threads_2()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ThreadsArgument(true));
Assert.AreEqual(str, $"-i \"input.mp4\" -threads {Environment.ProcessorCount} \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Threads_2_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().MultiThreaded());
Assert.AreEqual(str, $"-i \"input.mp4\" -threads {Environment.ProcessorCount} \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").UsingMultithreading(true).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual($"-i \"input.mp4\" -threads {Environment.ProcessorCount} \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Codec()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Codec_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().VideoCodec(VideoCodec.LibX264));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithVideoCodec(VideoCodec.LibX264).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Codec_Override()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264), new OverrideArgument());
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -y \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Codec_Override_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().VideoCodec(VideoCodec.LibX264).Override());
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -y \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithVideoCodec(VideoCodec.LibX264).OutputToFile("output.mp4", true).Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p \"output.mp4\" -y", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Duration()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new DurationArgument(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -t 00:00:20 \"output.mp4\"");
public void Builder_BuildString_Duration_Fluent()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new ArgumentContainer().Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -t 00:00:20 \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithDuration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -t 00:00:20 \"output.mp4\"", str);
public void Builder_BuildString_Raw()
var str = GetArgumentsString(new CustomArgument(null));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" \"output.mp4\"");
var str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithCustomArgument(null).OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" \"output.mp4\"", str);
str = GetArgumentsString(new CustomArgument("-acodec copy"));
Assert.AreEqual(str, "-i \"input.mp4\" -acodec copy \"output.mp4\"");
str = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(true, "input.mp4").WithCustomArgument("-acodec copy").OutputToFile("output.mp4").Arguments;
Assert.AreEqual("-i \"input.mp4\" -acodec copy \"output.mp4\"", str);

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using System;
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.Test.Resources;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.IO;
@ -15,14 +16,12 @@ public void Audio_Remove()
Encoder.Mute(VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(Input), output);
FFMpeg.Mute(Input.FullName, output);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output)) File.Delete(output);
@ -33,14 +32,12 @@ public void Audio_Save()
Encoder.ExtractAudio(VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(Input), output);
FFMpeg.ExtractAudio(Input.FullName, output);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output)) File.Delete(output);
@ -50,16 +47,17 @@ public void Audio_Add()
var output = Input.OutputLocation(VideoType.Mp4);
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoNoAudio);
Encoder.ReplaceAudio(input, VideoLibrary.LocalAudio, output);
Assert.AreEqual(input.Duration, VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(output).Duration);
var success = FFMpeg.ReplaceAudio(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoNoAudio.FullName, VideoLibrary.LocalAudio.FullName, output);
var audioAnalysis = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoNoAudio.FullName);
var videoAnalysis = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalAudio.FullName);
var outputAnalysis = FFProbe.Analyse(output);
Assert.AreEqual(Math.Max(videoAnalysis.Duration.TotalSeconds, audioAnalysis.Duration.TotalSeconds), outputAnalysis.Duration.TotalSeconds, 0.15);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output)) File.Delete(output);
@ -70,14 +68,14 @@ public void Image_AddAudio()
var result = Encoder.PosterWithAudio(new FileInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalCover.FullName), VideoLibrary.LocalAudio, output);
Assert.IsTrue(result.Duration.TotalSeconds > 0);
FFMpeg.PosterWithAudio(VideoLibrary.LocalCover.FullName, VideoLibrary.LocalAudio.FullName, output);
var analysis = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalAudio.FullName);
Assert.IsTrue(analysis.Duration.TotalSeconds > 0);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output)) File.Delete(output);

View file

@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG;
using FFMpegCore.Test.Resources;
using FFMpegCore.Test.Resources;
using System.IO;
namespace FFMpegCore.Test
public class BaseTest
protected FFMpeg Encoder;
protected FileInfo Input;
public BaseTest()
Encoder = new FFMpeg();
Input = VideoLibrary.LocalVideo;

View file

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
using FFMpegCore.Extend;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Text;
using FFMpegCore.Pipes;
namespace FFMpegCore.Test

View file

@ -4,6 +4,10 @@

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;

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@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
using System.IO;
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FFMpegCore.Test.Resources;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace FFMpegCore.Test
@ -14,47 +11,59 @@ public class FFProbeTests
public void Probe_TooLongOutput()
var output = new FFProbe(5);
Assert.ThrowsException<JsonSerializationException>(() =>
Assert.ThrowsException<System.Text.Json.JsonException>(() => FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName, 5));
public void Probe_Success()
var output = new FFProbe();
var info = output.ParseVideoInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName);
var info = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName);
Assert.AreEqual(13, info.Duration.Seconds);
Assert.AreEqual(".mp4", info.Extension);
Assert.AreEqual(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName, info.Path);
Assert.AreEqual("5.1", info.PrimaryAudioStream.ChannelLayout);
Assert.AreEqual(6, info.PrimaryAudioStream.Channels);
Assert.AreEqual("AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)", info.PrimaryAudioStream.CodecLongName);
Assert.AreEqual("aac", info.PrimaryAudioStream.CodecName);
Assert.AreEqual(381988, info.PrimaryAudioStream.BitRate);
Assert.AreEqual(48000, info.PrimaryAudioStream.SampleRateHz);
Assert.AreEqual(862991, info.PrimaryVideoStream.BitRate);
Assert.AreEqual(16, info.PrimaryVideoStream.DisplayAspectRatio.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(9, info.PrimaryVideoStream.DisplayAspectRatio.Height);
Assert.AreEqual("yuv420p", info.PrimaryVideoStream.PixelFormat);
Assert.AreEqual(1280, info.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(720, info.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(25, info.PrimaryVideoStream.AvgFrameRate);
Assert.AreEqual(25, info.PrimaryVideoStream.FrameRate);
Assert.AreEqual("H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10", info.PrimaryVideoStream.CodecLongName);
Assert.AreEqual("h264", info.PrimaryVideoStream.CodecName);
Assert.AreEqual(8, info.PrimaryVideoStream.BitsPerRawSample);
Assert.AreEqual("Main", info.PrimaryVideoStream.Profile);
public async Task Probe_Async_Success()
var info = await FFProbe.AnalyseAsync(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName);
Assert.AreEqual(13, info.Duration.Seconds);
[TestMethod, Timeout(10000)]
public void Probe_Success_FromStream()
var output = new FFProbe();
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm.FullName))
var info = output.ParseVideoInfo(stream);
Assert.AreEqual(10, info.Duration.Seconds);
using var stream = File.OpenRead(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm.FullName);
var info = FFProbe.Analyse(stream);
Assert.AreEqual(10, info.Duration.Seconds);
[TestMethod, Timeout(10000)]
public void Probe_Success_FromStream_Async()
public async Task Probe_Success_FromStream_Async()
var output = new FFProbe();
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm.FullName))
var info = output.ParseVideoInfoAsync(stream).WaitForResult();
Assert.AreEqual(10, info.Duration.Seconds);
await using var stream = File.OpenRead(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm.FullName);
var info = await FFProbe.AnalyseAsync(stream);
Assert.AreEqual(10, info.Duration.Seconds);

View file

@ -25,27 +25,27 @@ public static class VideoLibrary
public static readonly FileInfo ImageDirectory = new FileInfo($".{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Resources{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}images");
public static readonly FileInfo ImageJoinOutput = new FileInfo($".{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Resources{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}images{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}output.mp4");
public static FileInfo OutputLocation(this FileInfo file, VideoType type)
public static string OutputLocation(this FileInfo file, VideoType type)
return OutputLocation(file, type, "_converted");
public static FileInfo OutputLocation(this FileInfo file, AudioType type)
public static string OutputLocation(this FileInfo file, AudioType type)
return OutputLocation(file, type, "_audio");
public static FileInfo OutputLocation(this FileInfo file, ImageType type)
public static string OutputLocation(this FileInfo file, ImageType type)
return OutputLocation(file, type, "_screenshot");
public static FileInfo OutputLocation(this FileInfo file, Enum type, string keyword)
public static string OutputLocation(this FileInfo file, Enum type, string keyword)
string originalLocation = file.Directory.FullName,
outputFile = file.Name.Replace(file.Extension, keyword + "." + type.ToString().ToLower());
return new FileInfo($"{originalLocation}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{outputFile}");
return $"{originalLocation}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{outputFile}";

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@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FFMpegCore.Test

View file

@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Exceptions;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes;
using FFMpegCore.Test.Resources;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
@ -10,6 +6,10 @@
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FFMpegCore.Arguments;
using FFMpegCore.Exceptions;
using FFMpegCore.Pipes;
namespace FFMpegCore.Test
@ -22,257 +22,243 @@ public bool Convert(VideoType type, bool multithreaded = false, VideoSize size =
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(Input);
var input = FFProbe.Analyse(Input.FullName);
FFMpeg.Convert(input, output, type, size: size, multithreaded: multithreaded);
var outputVideo = FFProbe.Analyse(output);
Encoder.Convert(input, output, type, size: size, multithreaded: multithreaded);
var outputVideo = new VideoInfo(output.FullName);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Duration, input.Duration);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Duration.TotalSeconds, input.Duration.TotalSeconds, 0.1);
if (size == VideoSize.Original)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, input.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, input.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Width, input.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Height, input.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, (int)size);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, (int)size);
return File.Exists(output.FullName) &&
return File.Exists(output) &&
outputVideo.Duration == input.Duration &&
size == VideoSize.Original &&
outputVideo.Width == input.Width &&
outputVideo.Height == input.Height
outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width == input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width &&
outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height == input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height
) ||
size != VideoSize.Original &&
outputVideo.Width != input.Width &&
outputVideo.Height != input.Height &&
outputVideo.Height == (int)size
outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width != input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width &&
outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height != input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height &&
outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height == (int)size
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
private void ConvertFromStreamPipe(VideoType type, ArgumentContainer container)
private void ConvertFromStreamPipe(VideoType type, params IArgument[] inputArguments)
var output = Input.OutputLocation(type);
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm);
using (var inputStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(input.FullName))
var input = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm.FullName);
using (var inputStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(input.Path))
var pipeSource = new StreamPipeDataWriter(inputStream);
var arguments = new ArgumentContainer { new InputPipeArgument(pipeSource) };
foreach (var arg in container)
var arguments = FFMpegArguments.FromPipe(pipeSource);
foreach (var arg in inputArguments)
var processor = arguments.OutputToFile(output);
var scaling = arguments.Find<ScaleArgument>();
var success = processor.ProcessSynchronously();
var outputVideo = FFProbe.Analyse(output);
Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs((outputVideo.Duration - input.Duration).TotalMilliseconds) < 1000.0 / input.PrimaryVideoStream.FrameRate);
if (scaling?.Size == null)
arguments.Add(new OutputArgument(output));
var scaling = container.Find<ScaleArgument>();
var outputVideo = new VideoInfo(output.FullName);
Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs((outputVideo.Duration - input.Duration).TotalMilliseconds) < 1000.0 / input.FrameRate);
if (scaling == null)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, input.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, input.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
if (scaling.Value.Width != -1)
if (scaling.Size.Value.Width != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, scaling.Value.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, scaling.Size.Value.Width);
if (scaling.Value.Height != -1)
if (scaling.Size.Value.Height != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, scaling.Value.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, scaling.Size.Value.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Width, input.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Height, input.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
private void ConvertToStreamPipe(VideoType type, ArgumentContainer container)
private void ConvertToStreamPipe(params IArgument[] inputArguments)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
var arguments = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo);
foreach (var arg in inputArguments)
var streamPipeDataReader = new StreamPipeDataReader(ms);
var processor = arguments.OutputToPipe(streamPipeDataReader);
var scaling = arguments.Find<ScaleArgument>();
ms.Position = 0;
var outputVideo = FFProbe.Analyse(ms);
var input = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName);
// Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs((outputVideo.Duration - input.Duration).TotalMilliseconds) < 1000.0 / input.PrimaryVideoStream.FrameRate);
if (scaling?.Size == null)
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo);
var arguments = new ArgumentContainer { new InputArgument(input) };
foreach (var arg in container)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
if (scaling.Size.Value.Width != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, scaling.Size.Value.Width);
var streamPipeDataReader = new StreamPipeDataReader(ms);
streamPipeDataReader.BlockSize = streamPipeDataReader.BlockSize * 16;
arguments.Add(new OutputPipeArgument(streamPipeDataReader));
var scaling = container.Find<ScaleArgument>();
ms.Position = 0;
var outputVideo = VideoInfo.FromStream(ms);
//Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs((outputVideo.Duration - input.Duration).TotalMilliseconds) < 1000.0 / input.FrameRate);
if (scaling == null)
if (scaling.Size.Value.Height != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, input.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, input.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, scaling.Size.Value.Height);
if (scaling.Value.Width != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, scaling.Value.Width);
if (scaling.Value.Height != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, scaling.Value.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Width, input.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Height, input.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
public void Convert(VideoType type, ArgumentContainer container)
public void Convert(VideoType type, params IArgument[] inputArguments)
var output = Input.OutputLocation(type);
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(Input);
var input = FFProbe.Analyse(Input.FullName);
var arguments = new ArgumentContainer { new InputArgument(input) };
foreach (var arg in container)
var arguments = FFMpegArguments.FromInputFiles(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName);
foreach (var arg in inputArguments)
var processor = arguments.OutputToFile(output);
var scaling = arguments.Find<ScaleArgument>();
var outputVideo = FFProbe.Analyse(output);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Duration.TotalSeconds, input.Duration.TotalSeconds, 0.1);
if (scaling?.Size == null)
arguments.Add(new OutputArgument(output));
var scaling = container.Find<ScaleArgument>();
var outputVideo = new VideoInfo(output.FullName);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Duration, input.Duration);
if (scaling == null)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, input.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, input.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
if (scaling.Value.Width != -1)
if (scaling.Size.Value.Width != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, scaling.Value.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, scaling.Size.Value.Width);
if (scaling.Value.Height != -1)
if (scaling.Size.Value.Height != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, scaling.Value.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, scaling.Size.Value.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Width, input.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Height, input.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
public void ConvertFromPipe(VideoType type, ArgumentContainer container)
public void ConvertFromPipe(VideoType type, params IArgument[] inputArguments)
ConvertFromPipe(type, container, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
ConvertFromPipe(type, container, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
ConvertFromPipe(type, container, PixelFormat.Format48bppRgb);
ConvertFromPipe(type, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, inputArguments);
ConvertFromPipe(type, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, inputArguments);
ConvertFromPipe(type, PixelFormat.Format48bppRgb, inputArguments);
public void ConvertFromPipe(VideoType type, ArgumentContainer container, PixelFormat fmt)
public void ConvertFromPipe(VideoType type, PixelFormat fmt, params IArgument[] inputArguments)
var output = Input.OutputLocation(type);
var videoFramesSource = new RawVideoPipeDataWriter(BitmapSource.CreateBitmaps(128, fmt, 256, 256));
var arguments = new ArgumentContainer { new InputPipeArgument(videoFramesSource) };
foreach (var arg in container)
var arguments = FFMpegArguments.FromPipe(videoFramesSource);
foreach (var arg in inputArguments)
var processor = arguments.OutputToFile(output);
var scaling = arguments.Find<ScaleArgument>();
var outputVideo = FFProbe.Analyse(output);
if (scaling?.Size == null)
arguments.Add(new OutputArgument(output));
var scaling = container.Find<ScaleArgument>();
var outputVideo = new VideoInfo(output.FullName);
if (scaling == null)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, videoFramesSource.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, videoFramesSource.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, videoFramesSource.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, videoFramesSource.Height);
if (scaling.Value.Width != -1)
if (scaling.Size.Value.Width != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Width, scaling.Value.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, scaling.Size.Value.Width);
if (scaling.Value.Height != -1)
if (scaling.Size.Value.Height != -1)
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.Height, scaling.Value.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, scaling.Size.Value.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Width, videoFramesSource.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.Height, videoFramesSource.Height);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, videoFramesSource.Width);
Assert.AreNotEqual(outputVideo.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, videoFramesSource.Height);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
@ -286,22 +272,19 @@ public void Video_ToMP4()
public void Video_ToMP4_Args()
var container = new ArgumentContainer { new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264) };
Convert(VideoType.Mp4, container);
Convert(VideoType.Mp4, new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264));
public void Video_ToMP4_Args_Pipe()
var container = new ArgumentContainer { new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264) };
ConvertFromPipe(VideoType.Mp4, container);
ConvertFromPipe(VideoType.Mp4, new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264));
public void Video_ToMP4_Args_StreamPipe()
var container = new ArgumentContainer { new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264) };
ConvertFromStreamPipe(VideoType.Mp4, container);
ConvertFromStreamPipe(VideoType.Mp4, new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264));
[TestMethod, Timeout(45000)]
@ -309,20 +292,14 @@ public void Video_ToMP4_Args_StreamOutputPipe_Async_Failure()
Assert.ThrowsException<FFMpegException>(() =>
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var pipeSource = new StreamPipeDataReader(ms);
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new InputArgument(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264),
new ForceFormatArgument("mkv"),
new OutputPipeArgument(pipeSource)
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm);
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
var pipeSource = new StreamPipeDataReader(ms);
@ -331,11 +308,7 @@ public void Video_ToMP4_Args_StreamOutputPipe_Failure()
Assert.ThrowsException<FFMpegException>(() =>
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new ForceFormatArgument("mkv")
ConvertToStreamPipe(VideoType.Mp4, container);
ConvertToStreamPipe(new ForceFormatArgument("mkv"));
@ -343,31 +316,21 @@ public void Video_ToMP4_Args_StreamOutputPipe_Failure()
public void Video_ToMP4_Args_StreamOutputPipe_Async()
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var pipeSource = new StreamPipeDataReader(ms);
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new InputArgument(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264),
new ForceFormatArgument("matroska"),
new OutputPipeArgument(pipeSource)
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoWebm);
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
var pipeSource = new StreamPipeDataReader(ms);
public void Video_ToMP4_Args_StreamOutputPipe()
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264),
new ForceFormatArgument("matroska")
ConvertToStreamPipe(VideoType.Mp4, container);
ConvertToStreamPipe(new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264), new ForceFormatArgument("matroska"));
@ -379,23 +342,16 @@ public void Video_ToTS()
public void Video_ToTS_Args()
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new CopyArgument(),
new BitStreamFilterArgument(Channel.Video, Filter.H264_Mp4ToAnnexB),
new ForceFormatArgument(VideoCodec.MpegTs)
Convert(VideoType.Ts, container);
new ForceFormatArgument(VideoCodec.MpegTs));
public void Video_ToTS_Args_Pipe()
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new ForceFormatArgument(VideoCodec.MpegTs)
ConvertFromPipe(VideoType.Ts, container);
ConvertFromPipe(VideoType.Ts, new ForceFormatArgument(VideoCodec.MpegTs));
@ -407,23 +363,13 @@ public void Video_ToOGV_Resize()
public void Video_ToOGV_Resize_Args()
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Ed),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibTheora)
Convert(VideoType.Ogv, container);
Convert(VideoType.Ogv, new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Ed), new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibTheora));
public void Video_ToOGV_Resize_Args_Pipe()
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Ed),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibTheora)
ConvertFromPipe(VideoType.Ogv, container);
ConvertFromPipe(VideoType.Ogv, new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Ed), new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibTheora));
@ -435,23 +381,13 @@ public void Video_ToMP4_Resize()
public void Video_ToMP4_Resize_Args()
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Ld),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264)
Convert(VideoType.Mp4, container);
Convert(VideoType.Mp4, new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Ld), new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264));
public void Video_ToMP4_Resize_Args_Pipe()
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Ld),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264)
ConvertFromPipe(VideoType.Mp4, container);
ConvertFromPipe(VideoType.Mp4, new ScaleArgument(VideoSize.Ld), new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264));
@ -485,17 +421,17 @@ public void Video_Snapshot()
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(Input);
var input = FFProbe.Analyse(Input.FullName);
using var bitmap = Encoder.Snapshot(input, output);
Assert.AreEqual(input.Width, bitmap.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(input.Height, bitmap.Height);
using var bitmap = FFMpeg.Snapshot(input, output);
Assert.AreEqual(input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, bitmap.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, bitmap.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(bitmap.RawFormat, ImageFormat.Png);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
@ -505,18 +441,18 @@ public void Video_Snapshot_PersistSnapshot()
var output = Input.OutputLocation(ImageType.Png);
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(Input);
var input = FFProbe.Analyse(Input.FullName);
using var bitmap = Encoder.Snapshot(input, output, persistSnapshotOnFileSystem: true);
Assert.AreEqual(input.Width, bitmap.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(input.Height, bitmap.Height);
using var bitmap = FFMpeg.Snapshot(input, output, persistSnapshotOnFileSystem: true);
Assert.AreEqual(input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, bitmap.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, bitmap.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(bitmap.RawFormat, ImageFormat.Png);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
@ -527,28 +463,30 @@ public void Video_Join()
var newInput = Input.OutputLocation(VideoType.Mp4, "duplicate");
var input = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(Input);
File.Copy(input.FullName, newInput.FullName);
var input2 = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(newInput);
var input = FFProbe.Analyse(Input.FullName);
File.Copy(input.Path, newInput);
var input2 = FFProbe.Analyse(newInput);
var result = Encoder.Join(output, input, input2);
var success = FFMpeg.Join(output, input, input2);
var expectedDuration = input.Duration * 2;
var result = FFProbe.Analyse(output);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDuration.Days, result.Duration.Days);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDuration.Hours, result.Duration.Hours);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDuration.Minutes, result.Duration.Minutes);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDuration.Seconds, result.Duration.Seconds);
Assert.AreEqual(input.Height, result.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(input.Width, result.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(input.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, result.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(input.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, result.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
if (File.Exists(newInput.FullName))
if (File.Exists(newInput))
@ -569,14 +507,15 @@ public void Video_Join_Image_Sequence()
var result = Encoder.JoinImageSequence(VideoLibrary.ImageJoinOutput, images: imageSet.ToArray());
var success = FFMpeg.JoinImageSequence(VideoLibrary.ImageJoinOutput.FullName, images: imageSet.ToArray());
var result = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.ImageJoinOutput.FullName);
Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Duration.Seconds);
Assert.AreEqual(imageSet.First().Width, result.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(imageSet.First().Height, result.Height);
Assert.AreEqual(imageSet.First().Width, result.PrimaryVideoStream.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(imageSet.First().Height, result.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
@ -591,32 +530,29 @@ public void Video_Join_Image_Sequence()
public void Video_With_Only_Audio_Should_Extract_Metadata()
var video = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoAudioOnly);
Assert.AreEqual("none", video.VideoFormat);
Assert.AreEqual("aac", video.AudioFormat);
var video = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalVideoAudioOnly.FullName);
Assert.AreEqual(null, video.PrimaryVideoStream);
Assert.AreEqual("aac", video.PrimaryAudioStream.CodecName);
Assert.AreEqual(79.5, video.Duration.TotalSeconds, 0.5);
Assert.AreEqual(1.25, video.Size);
// Assert.AreEqual(1.25, video.Size);
public void Video_Duration()
var video = VideoInfo.FromFileInfo(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo);
var video = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName);
var output = Input.OutputLocation(VideoType.Mp4);
var arguments = new ArgumentContainer
new InputArgument(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo),
new DurationArgument(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(video.Duration.TotalSeconds - 5)),
new OutputArgument(output)
.WithDuration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(video.Duration.TotalSeconds - 5))
var outputVideo = new VideoInfo(output.FullName);
var outputVideo = FFProbe.Analyse(output);
Assert.AreEqual(video.Duration.Days, outputVideo.Duration.Days);
Assert.AreEqual(video.Duration.Hours, outputVideo.Duration.Hours);
@ -625,8 +561,8 @@ public void Video_Duration()
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
@ -636,54 +572,53 @@ public void Video_UpdatesProgress()
var output = Input.OutputLocation(VideoType.Mp4);
var percentageDone = 0.0;
void OnProgess(double percentage) => percentageDone = percentage;
Encoder.OnProgress += OnProgess;
var timeDone = TimeSpan.Zero;
void OnPercentageProgess(double percentage) => percentageDone = percentage;
void OnTimeProgess(TimeSpan time) => timeDone = time;
var arguments = new ArgumentContainer
new InputArgument(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo),
new DurationArgument(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8)),
new OutputArgument(output)
var analysis = FFProbe.Analyse(VideoLibrary.LocalVideo.FullName);
Encoder.OnProgress -= OnProgess;
var success = FFMpegArguments
.NotifyOnProgress(OnPercentageProgess, analysis.Duration)
Assert.AreNotEqual(0.0, percentageDone);
Assert.AreNotEqual(TimeSpan.Zero, timeDone);
if (File.Exists(output.FullName))
if (File.Exists(output))
public void Video_TranscodeInMemory()
using (var resStream = new MemoryStream())
var reader = new StreamPipeDataReader(resStream);
var writer = new RawVideoPipeDataWriter(BitmapSource.CreateBitmaps(128, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, 128, 128));
using var resStream = new MemoryStream();
var reader = new StreamPipeDataReader(resStream);
var writer = new RawVideoPipeDataWriter(BitmapSource.CreateBitmaps(128, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, 128, 128));
var container = new ArgumentContainer
new InputPipeArgument(writer),
new VideoCodecArgument("vp9"),
new ForceFormatArgument("webm"),
new OutputPipeArgument(reader)
resStream.Position = 0;
var vi = VideoInfo.FromStream(resStream);
Assert.AreEqual(vi.Width, 128);
Assert.AreEqual(vi.Height, 128);
resStream.Position = 0;
var vi = FFProbe.Analyse(resStream);
Assert.AreEqual(vi.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, 128);
Assert.AreEqual(vi.PrimaryVideoStream.Height, 128);

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"RootDirectory": "/usr/bin"
"RootDirectory": ""

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
using System;
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.Enums
public static class FileExtension
public static string ForType(VideoType type)
public static string Extension(this VideoType type)
return type switch
@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ public static string ForType(VideoType type)
_ => throw new Exception("The extension for this video type is not defined.")
public static string ForCodec(VideoCodec type)
public static string Extension(this VideoCodec type)
return type switch

View file

@ -1,26 +1,22 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG;
namespace FFMpegCore.Extend
public static class BitmapExtensions
public static VideoInfo AddAudio(this Bitmap poster, FileInfo audio, FileInfo output)
public static bool AddAudio(this Bitmap poster, string audio, string output)
var destination = $"{Environment.TickCount}.png";
var tempFile = new FileInfo(destination);
return new FFMpeg().PosterWithAudio(tempFile, audio, output);
return FFMpeg.PosterWithAudio(destination, audio, output);
if (File.Exists(destination)) File.Delete(destination);

View file

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FFMpegCore.Pipes;
namespace FFMpegCore.Extend

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG;
namespace FFMpegCore.Extend
public static class UriExtensions
public static VideoInfo SaveStream(this Uri uri, FileInfo output)
public static bool SaveStream(this Uri uri, string output)
return new FFMpeg().SaveM3U8Stream(uri, output);
return FFMpeg.SaveM3U8Stream(uri, output);

View file

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class implements basic functionality of ffmpeg arguments
/// </summary>
public abstract class Argument
/// <summary>
/// String representation of the argument
/// </summary>
/// <returns>String representation of the argument</returns>
public abstract string GetStringValue();
public override string ToString()
return GetStringValue();
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class implements basic functionality of ffmpeg arguments with one value property
/// </summary>
public abstract class Argument<T> : Argument
/// <summary>
/// Value type of <see cref="T"/>
/// </summary>
public T Value { get; protected set; }
public Argument() { }
public Argument(T value)
Value = value;
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class implements basic functionality of ffmpeg arguments with two values properties
/// </summary>
public abstract class Argument<T1, T2> : Argument
/// <summary>
/// First value type of <see cref="T1"/>
/// </summary>
public T1 First { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Second value type of <see cref="T2"/>
/// </summary>
public T2 Second { get; }
public Argument() { }
public Argument(T1 first, T2 second)
First = first;
Second = second;

View file

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Container of arguments represented parameters of FFMPEG process
/// </summary>
public class ArgumentContainer : IDictionary<Type, Argument>
IDictionary<Type, Argument> _args;
public ArgumentContainer(params Argument[] arguments)
_args = new Dictionary<Type, Argument>();
foreach (var argument in arguments)
public Argument this[Type key] { get => _args[key]; set => _args[key] = value; }
public bool TryGetArgument<T>(out T output)
where T : Argument
if (_args.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var arg))
output = (T)arg;
return true;
output = default;
return false;
public ICollection<Type> Keys => _args.Keys;
public ICollection<Argument> Values => _args.Values;
public int Count => _args.Count;
public bool IsReadOnly => _args.IsReadOnly;
/// <summary>
/// This method is not supported, left for <see cref="{IDictionary<Type, Argument>}"/> interface support
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
public void Add(Type key, Argument value)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not supported operation");
/// <summary>
/// This method is not supported, left for <see cref="{IDictionary<Type, Argument>}"/> interface support
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
public void Add(KeyValuePair<Type, Argument> item)
/// <summary>
/// Clears collection of arguments
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
/// <summary>
/// Returns if contains item
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">Searching item</param>
/// <returns>Returns if contains item</returns>
public bool Contains(KeyValuePair<Type, Argument> item)
return _args.Contains(item);
/// <summary>
/// Adds argument to collection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Argument that should be added to collection</param>
public void Add(params Argument[] values)
foreach (var value in values)
_args.Add(value.GetType(), value);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if container contains output and input parameters
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ContainsInputOutput()
return ContainsOnlyOneOf(typeof(InputArgument), typeof(ConcatArgument), typeof(InputPipeArgument)) &&
ContainsOnlyOneOf(typeof(OutputArgument), typeof(OutputPipeArgument));
/// <summary>
/// Checks if contains argument of type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">Type of argument is seraching</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ContainsKey(Type key)
return _args.ContainsKey(key);
public bool ContainsOnlyOneOf(params Type[] types)
return types.Count(t => _args.ContainsKey(t)) == 1;
public void CopyTo(KeyValuePair<Type, Argument>[] array, int arrayIndex)
_args.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Type, Argument>> GetEnumerator()
return _args.GetEnumerator();
public bool Remove(Type key)
return _args.Remove(key);
public bool Remove(KeyValuePair<Type, Argument> item)
return _args.Remove(item);
public bool TryGetValue(Type key, out Argument value)
return _args.TryGetValue(key, out value);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return _args.GetEnumerator();
/// <summary>
/// Shortcut for finding arguments inside collection
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of argument</typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
public T Find<T>() where T : Argument
if (ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
return (T)_args[typeof(T)];
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Shortcut for checking if contains arguments inside collection
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of argument</typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Contains<T>() where T : Argument
if (ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
return true;
return false;

View file

@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument.Fluent
public static class ArgumentContainerFluentExtensions
public static ArgumentContainer AudioCodec(this ArgumentContainer container, AudioCodec codec)
container.Add(new AudioCodecArgument(codec));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer AudioBitrate(this ArgumentContainer container, AudioQuality audioQuality)
container.Add(new AudioBitrateArgument(audioQuality));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer AudioBitrate(this ArgumentContainer container, int bitrate)
container.Add(new AudioBitrateArgument(bitrate));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer AudioSamplingRate(this ArgumentContainer container)
container.Add(new AudioSamplingRateArgument());
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer AudioSamplingRate(this ArgumentContainer container, int sampleRate)
container.Add(new AudioSamplingRateArgument(sampleRate));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer BitStreamFilter(this ArgumentContainer container, Channel first, Filter second)
container.Add(new BitStreamFilterArgument(first, second));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Concat(this ArgumentContainer container, IEnumerable<string> paths)
container.Add(new ConcatArgument(paths));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer ConstantRateFactor(this ArgumentContainer container, int crf)
container.Add(new ConstantRateFactorArgument(crf));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Copy(this ArgumentContainer container)
container.Add(new CopyArgument());
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Copy(this ArgumentContainer container, Channel value)
container.Add(new CopyArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer CpuSpeed(this ArgumentContainer container, int value)
container.Add(new CpuSpeedArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer DisableChannel(this ArgumentContainer container, Channel channel)
container.Add(new DisableChannelArgument(channel));
return container;
public class DrawTextOptions
public string Text { get; set; }
public string FontPath { get; set; }
public List<(string, string)> Params { get; private set; }
public DrawTextOptions()
Params = new List<(string, string)>();
public DrawTextOptions AddParam(string key, string value)
Params.Add((key, value));
return this;
public static ArgumentContainer DrawText(this ArgumentContainer container, Action<DrawTextOptions> builder)
var argumentParams = new DrawTextOptions();
container.Add(new DrawTextArgument(argumentParams.Text, argumentParams.FontPath, argumentParams.Params.ToArray()));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer DrawText(this ArgumentContainer container, string text, string fontPath, params (string, string)[] optionalArguments)
container.Add(new DrawTextArgument(text, fontPath, optionalArguments));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Duration(this ArgumentContainer container, TimeSpan? duration)
container.Add(new DurationArgument(duration));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer FastStart(this ArgumentContainer container)
container.Add(new FaststartArgument());
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer ForceFormat(this ArgumentContainer container, VideoCodec codec)
container.Add(new ForceFormatArgument(codec));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer FrameOutputCount(this ArgumentContainer container, int count)
container.Add(new FrameOutputCountArgument(count));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer FrameRate(this ArgumentContainer container, double framerate)
container.Add(new FrameRateArgument(framerate));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, string path)
container.Add(new InputArgument(path));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, IEnumerable<string> paths)
container.Add(new InputArgument(paths.ToArray()));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, params string[] paths)
container.Add(new InputArgument(paths));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, VideoInfo path)
container.Add(new InputArgument(path));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, IEnumerable<VideoInfo> paths)
container.Add(new InputArgument(paths.ToArray()));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, params VideoInfo[] paths)
container.Add(new InputArgument(paths));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, FileInfo path)
container.Add(new InputArgument(path));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, IEnumerable<FileInfo> paths)
container.Add(new InputArgument(paths.ToArray()));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, params FileInfo[] paths)
container.Add(new InputArgument(paths));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, Uri uri)
container.Add(new InputArgument(uri));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, IEnumerable<Uri> uris)
container.Add(new InputArgument(uris.ToArray()));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Input(this ArgumentContainer container, params Uri[] uris)
container.Add(new InputArgument(uris));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Loop(this ArgumentContainer container, int times)
container.Add(new LoopArgument(times));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Output(this ArgumentContainer container, string path)
container.Add(new OutputArgument(path));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Output(this ArgumentContainer container, VideoInfo path)
container.Add(new OutputArgument(path));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Output(this ArgumentContainer container, FileInfo path)
container.Add(new OutputArgument(path));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Output(this ArgumentContainer container, Uri path)
container.Add(new OutputArgument(path));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Override(this ArgumentContainer container)
container.Add(new OverrideArgument());
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer RemoveMetadata(this ArgumentContainer container)
container.Add(new RemoveMetadataArgument());
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Scale(this ArgumentContainer container, Size value)
container.Add(new ScaleArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Scale(this ArgumentContainer container, VideoSize value)
container.Add(new ScaleArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Scale(this ArgumentContainer container, int width, int height)
container.Add(new ScaleArgument(width, height));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Seek(this ArgumentContainer container, TimeSpan? value)
container.Add(new SeekArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Shortest(this ArgumentContainer container)
container.Add(new ShortestArgument(true));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Size(this ArgumentContainer container, Size value)
container.Add(new SizeArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Size(this ArgumentContainer container, VideoSize value)
container.Add(new SizeArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Size(this ArgumentContainer container, int width, int height)
container.Add(new SizeArgument(width, height));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Speed(this ArgumentContainer container, Speed value)
container.Add(new SpeedArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer StartNumber(this ArgumentContainer container, int value)
container.Add(new StartNumberArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Threads(this ArgumentContainer container, int value)
container.Add(new ThreadsArgument(value));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer MultiThreaded(this ArgumentContainer container)
container.Add(new ThreadsArgument(true));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer Transpose(this ArgumentContainer container, int transpose)
container.Add(new TransposeArgument(transpose));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer VariableBitRate(this ArgumentContainer container, int vbr)
container.Add(new VariableBitRateArgument(vbr));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer VideoCodec(this ArgumentContainer container, VideoCodec codec)
container.Add(new VideoCodecArgument(codec));
return container;
public static ArgumentContainer VideoCodec(this ArgumentContainer container, VideoCodec codec, int bitrate)
container.Add(new VideoCodecArgument(codec, bitrate));
return container;

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of audio codec and it's quality
/// </summary>
public class AudioBitrateArgument : Argument<int>
public AudioBitrateArgument(AudioQuality value) : base((int)value) { }
public AudioBitrateArgument(int bitrate) : base(bitrate) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-b:a {Value}k";

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of audio codec and it's quality
/// </summary>
public class AudioCodecArgument : Argument<AudioCodec>
public AudioCodecArgument(AudioCodec value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-c:a {Value.ToString().ToLower()}";

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Audio sampling rate argument. Defaults to 48000 (Hz)
/// </summary>
public class AudioSamplingRateArgument : Argument<int>
public AudioSamplingRateArgument() : base(48000) { }
public AudioSamplingRateArgument(int samplingRate) : base(samplingRate) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-ar {Value}";

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of bitstream filter
/// </summary>
public class BitStreamFilterArgument : Argument<Channel, Filter>
public BitStreamFilterArgument() { }
public BitStreamFilterArgument(Channel first, Filter second) : base(first, second) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return First switch
Channel.Audio => $"-bsf:a {Second.ToString().ToLower()}",
Channel.Video => $"-bsf:v {Second.ToString().ToLower()}",
_ => string.Empty

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of concat argument
/// Used for creating video from multiple images or videos
/// </summary>
public class ConcatArgument : Argument<IEnumerable<string>>, IEnumerable<string>
public ConcatArgument() : base(new List<string>()) { }
public ConcatArgument(IEnumerable<string> value) : base(value) { }
public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
return Value.GetEnumerator();
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-i \"concat:{string.Join(@"|", Value)}\"";
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public VideoInfo[] GetAsVideoInfo()
return Value.Select(v => new VideoInfo(v)).ToArray();

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of copy parameter
/// Defines if channel (audio, video or both) should be copied to output file
/// </summary>
public class CopyArgument : Argument<Channel>
public CopyArgument(Channel value = Channel.Both) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return Value switch
Channel.Audio => "-c:a copy",
Channel.Video => "-c:v copy",
_ => "-c copy"

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents cpu speed parameter
/// </summary>
public class CpuSpeedArgument : Argument<int>
public CpuSpeedArgument() { }
public CpuSpeedArgument(int value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-quality good -cpu-used {Value} -deadline realtime";

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
public class CustomArgument : Argument<string>
public CustomArgument(string argument) : base(argument)
public override string GetStringValue()
return Value ?? string.Empty;

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents cpu speed parameter
/// </summary>
public class DisableChannelArgument : Argument<Channel>
public DisableChannelArgument() { }
public DisableChannelArgument(Channel value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return Value switch
Channel.Video => "-vn",
Channel.Audio => "-an",
_ => string.Empty

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Drawtext video filter argument
/// </summary>
public class DrawTextArgument : Argument<IEnumerable<(string key, string value)>>
public DrawTextArgument(string text, string fontPath, params (string, string)[] optionalArguments)
: base(new[] {("text", text), ("fontfile", fontPath)}.Concat(optionalArguments)) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-vf drawtext=\"{string.Join(": ", Value.Select(FormatArgumentPair))}\"";
private static string FormatArgumentPair((string key, string value) pair)
return $"{pair.key}={EncloseIfContainsSpace(pair.value)}";
private static string EncloseIfContainsSpace(string input)
return input.Contains(" ") ? $"'{input}'" : input;

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents duration parameter
/// </summary>
public class DurationArgument : Argument<TimeSpan?>
public DurationArgument() { }
public DurationArgument(TimeSpan? value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return !Value.HasValue ? string.Empty : $"-t {Value}";

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Faststart argument - for moving moov atom to the start of file
/// </summary>
public class FaststartArgument : Argument
public FaststartArgument() { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return "-movflags faststart";

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents force format parameter
/// </summary>
public class ForceFormatArgument : Argument<string>
public ForceFormatArgument() { }
public ForceFormatArgument(string format) : base(format) { }
public ForceFormatArgument(VideoCodec value) : base(value.ToString().ToLower()) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-f {Value}";

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents frame output count parameter
/// </summary>
public class FrameOutputCountArgument : Argument<int>
public FrameOutputCountArgument() { }
public FrameOutputCountArgument(int value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-vframes {Value}";

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents frame rate parameter
/// </summary>
public class FrameRateArgument : Argument<double>
public FrameRateArgument() { }
public FrameRateArgument(double value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-r {Value}";

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents input parameter
/// </summary>
public class InputArgument : Argument<string[]>
public InputArgument() { }
public InputArgument(params string[] values) : base(values) { }
public InputArgument(params VideoInfo[] values) : base(values.Select(v => v.FullName).ToArray()) { }
public InputArgument(params FileInfo[] values) : base(values.Select(v => v.FullName).ToArray()) { }
public InputArgument(params Uri[] values) : base(values.Select(v => v.AbsoluteUri).ToArray()) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return string.Join(" ", Value.Select(v => $"-i \"{v}\""));
public VideoInfo[] GetAsVideoInfo()
return Value.Select(v => new VideoInfo(v)).ToArray();

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents loop parameter
/// </summary>
public class LoopArgument : Argument<int>
public LoopArgument() { }
public LoopArgument(int value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-loop {Value}";

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents output parameter
/// </summary>
public class OutputArgument : Argument<string>
public OutputArgument() { }
public OutputArgument(string value) : base(value) { }
public OutputArgument(VideoInfo value) : base(value.FullName) { }
public OutputArgument(FileInfo value) : base(value.FullName) { }
public OutputArgument(Uri value) : base(value.AbsolutePath) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"\"{Value}\"";
public FileInfo GetAsFileInfo()
return new FileInfo(Value);

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents override parameter
/// If output file should be overrided if exists
/// </summary>
public class OverrideArgument : Argument
public OverrideArgument() { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return "-y";

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
public abstract class PipeArgument : Argument
public string PipeName { get; private set; }
public string PipePath => PipeHelpers.GetPipePath(PipeName);
protected NamedPipeServerStream Pipe { get; private set; }
private PipeDirection direction;
protected PipeArgument(PipeDirection direction)
PipeName = PipeHelpers.GetUnqiuePipeName();
this.direction = direction;
public void OpenPipe()
if (Pipe != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Pipe already has been opened");
Pipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(PipeName, direction, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous);
public void ClosePipe()
Pipe = null;
public async Task ProcessDataAsync()
await ProcessDataAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
public abstract Task ProcessDataAsync(CancellationToken token);

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
public class QuietArgument : Argument
public override string GetStringValue()
return "-hide_banner -loglevel warning";

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Remove metadata argument
/// </summary>
public class RemoveMetadataArgument : Argument
public RemoveMetadataArgument() { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-map_metadata -1";

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
using System.Drawing;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents scale parameter
/// </summary>
public class ScaleArgument : Argument<Size>
public ScaleArgument() { }
public ScaleArgument(Size value) : base(value) { }
public ScaleArgument(int width, int height) : base(new Size(width, height)) { }
public ScaleArgument(VideoSize videosize)
Value = videosize == VideoSize.Original ? new Size(-1, -1) : new Size(-1, (int)videosize);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-vf scale={Value.Width}:{Value.Height}";

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents seek parameter
/// </summary>
public class SeekArgument : Argument<TimeSpan?>
public SeekArgument() { }
public SeekArgument(TimeSpan? value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return !Value.HasValue ? string.Empty : $"-ss {Value}";

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents shortest parameter
/// </summary>
public class ShortestArgument : Argument<bool>
public ShortestArgument() { }
public ShortestArgument(bool value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return Value ? "-shortest" : string.Empty;

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
using System.Drawing;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents size parameter
/// </summary>
public class SizeArgument : ScaleArgument
public SizeArgument() { }
public SizeArgument(Size? value) : base(value ?? default) { }
public SizeArgument(VideoSize videosize) : base(videosize) { }
public SizeArgument(int width, int height) : base(width, height) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return Value == default ? string.Empty : $"-s {Value.Width}x{Value.Height}";

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents speed parameter
/// </summary>
public class SpeedArgument : Argument<Speed>
public SpeedArgument()
public SpeedArgument(Speed value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-preset {Value.ToString().ToLower()}";

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents start number parameter
/// </summary>
public class StartNumberArgument : Argument<int>
public StartNumberArgument() { }
public StartNumberArgument(int value) : base(value) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-start_number {Value}";

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents threads parameter
/// Number of threads used for video encoding
/// </summary>
public class ThreadsArgument : Argument<int>
public ThreadsArgument() { }
public ThreadsArgument(int value) : base(value) { }
public ThreadsArgument(bool isMultiThreaded) :
? Environment.ProcessorCount
: 1) { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-threads {Value}";

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Transpose argument.
/// 0 = 90CounterCLockwise and Vertical Flip (default)
/// 1 = 90Clockwise
/// 2 = 90CounterClockwise
/// 3 = 90Clockwise and Vertical Flip
/// </summary>
public class TransposeArgument : Argument<int>
public TransposeArgument() { }
public TransposeArgument(int transpose) : base(transpose)
if (transpose < 0 || transpose > 3)
throw new ArgumentException("Argument is outside range (0 - 3)", nameof(transpose));
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-vf \"transpose={Value}\"";

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Represents video codec parameter
/// </summary>
public class VideoCodecArgument : Argument<string>
public int Bitrate { get; protected set; } = 0;
public VideoCodecArgument() { }
public VideoCodecArgument(string codec) : base(codec) { }
public VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec value) : base(value.ToString().ToLower()) { }
public VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec value, int bitrate) : base(value.ToString().ToLower())
Bitrate = bitrate;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
var video = $"-c:v {Value} -pix_fmt yuv420p";
if (Bitrate != default)
video += $" -b:v {Bitrate}k";
return video;

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
/// <summary>
/// Builds parameters string from <see cref="ArgumentContainer"/> that would be passed to ffmpeg process
/// </summary>
public class FFArgumentBuilder : IArgumentBuilder
/// <summary>
/// Builds parameters string from <see cref="ArgumentContainer"/> that would be passed to ffmpeg process
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container">Container of arguments</param>
/// <returns>Parameters string</returns>
public string BuildArguments(ArgumentContainer container)
if (!container.ContainsInputOutput())
throw new ArgumentException("No input or output parameter found", nameof(container));
return string.Join(" ", container.Select(argument => argument.Value.GetStringValue()));

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
public interface IArgumentBuilder
string BuildArguments(ArgumentContainer container);

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@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Exceptions;
using FFMpegCore.Helpers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Instances;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG
public delegate void ConversionHandler(double percentage);
public class FFMpeg
IArgumentBuilder ArgumentBuilder { get; set; } = new FFArgumentBuilder();
/// <summary>
/// Intializes the FFMPEG encoder.
/// </summary>
public FFMpeg() : base()
_ffmpegPath = FFMpegOptions.Options.FFmpegBinary;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the percentage of the current conversion progress.
/// </summary>
public event ConversionHandler OnProgress;
/// <summary>
/// Saves a 'png' thumbnail from the input video.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source video file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output video file</param>
/// <param name="captureTime">Seek position where the thumbnail should be taken.</param>
/// <param name="size">Thumbnail size. If width or height equal 0, the other will be computed automatically.</param>
/// <param name="persistSnapshotOnFileSystem">By default, it deletes the created image on disk. If set to true, it won't delete the image</param>
/// <returns>Bitmap with the requested snapshot.</returns>
public Bitmap Snapshot(VideoInfo source, FileInfo output, Size? size = null, TimeSpan? captureTime = null,
bool persistSnapshotOnFileSystem = false)
if (captureTime == null)
captureTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(source.Duration.TotalSeconds / 3);
if (output.Extension.ToLower() != FileExtension.Png)
output = new FileInfo(output.FullName.Replace(output.Extension, FileExtension.Png));
if (size == null || (size.Value.Height == 0 && size.Value.Width == 0))
size = new Size(source.Width, source.Height);
if (size.Value.Width != size.Value.Height)
if (size.Value.Width == 0)
var ratio = source.Width / (double)size.Value.Width;
size = new Size((int)(source.Width * ratio), (int)(source.Height * ratio));
if (size.Value.Height == 0)
var ratio = source.Height / (double)size.Value.Height;
size = new Size((int)(source.Width * ratio), (int)(source.Height * ratio));
FFMpegHelper.ConversionExceptionCheck(source.ToFileInfo(), output);
var container = new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(source),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.Png),
new FrameOutputCountArgument(1),
new SeekArgument(captureTime),
new SizeArgument(size),
new OutputArgument(output)
if (!RunProcess(container, output, false))
throw new OperationCanceledException("Could not take snapshot!");
Bitmap result;
using (var bmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(output.FullName))
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
bmp.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
result = new Bitmap(ms);
if (output.Exists && !persistSnapshotOnFileSystem)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a video do a different format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Input video source.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output information.</param>
/// <param name="type">Target conversion video type.</param>
/// <param name="speed">Conversion target speed/quality (faster speed = lower quality).</param>
/// <param name="size">Video size.</param>
/// <param name="audioQuality">Conversion target audio quality.</param>
/// <param name="multithreaded">Is encoding multithreaded.</param>
/// <returns>Output video information.</returns>
public VideoInfo Convert(
VideoInfo source,
FileInfo output,
VideoType type = VideoType.Mp4,
Speed speed = Speed.SuperFast,
VideoSize size = VideoSize.Original,
AudioQuality audioQuality = AudioQuality.Normal,
bool multithreaded = false)
FFMpegHelper.ConversionExceptionCheck(source.ToFileInfo(), output);
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, FileExtension.ForType(type));
var scale = VideoSize.Original == size ? 1 : (double)source.Height / (int)size;
var outputSize = new Size((int)(source.Width / scale), (int)(source.Height / scale));
if (outputSize.Width % 2 != 0)
outputSize.Width += 1;
return type switch
VideoType.Mp4 => Convert(new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(source),
new ThreadsArgument(multithreaded),
new ScaleArgument(outputSize),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264, 2400),
new SpeedArgument(speed),
new AudioCodecArgument(AudioCodec.Aac),
new AudioBitrateArgument(audioQuality),
new OutputArgument(output))),
VideoType.Ogv => Convert(new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(source),
new ThreadsArgument(multithreaded),
new ScaleArgument(outputSize),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibTheora, 2400),
new SpeedArgument(speed),
new AudioCodecArgument(AudioCodec.LibVorbis),
new AudioBitrateArgument(audioQuality),
new OutputArgument(output))),
VideoType.Ts => Convert(new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(source),
new CopyArgument(),
new BitStreamFilterArgument(Channel.Video, Filter.H264_Mp4ToAnnexB),
new ForceFormatArgument(VideoCodec.MpegTs),
new OutputArgument(output))),
VideoType.WebM => Convert(new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(source),
new ThreadsArgument(multithreaded),
new ScaleArgument(outputSize),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibVpx, 2400),
new SpeedArgument(speed),
new AudioCodecArgument(AudioCodec.LibVorbis),
new AudioBitrateArgument(audioQuality),
new OutputArgument(output))),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type))
/// <summary>
/// Adds a poster image to an audio file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image">Source image file.</param>
/// <param name="audio">Source audio file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public VideoInfo PosterWithAudio(FileInfo image, FileInfo audio, FileInfo output)
FFMpegHelper.InputsExistExceptionCheck(image, audio);
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, FileExtension.Mp4);
var container = new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(image.FullName, audio.FullName),
new LoopArgument(1),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264, 2400),
new AudioCodecArgument(AudioCodec.Aac),
new AudioBitrateArgument(AudioQuality.Normal),
new ShortestArgument(true),
new OutputArgument(output)
if (!RunProcess(container, output, false))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Operation,
"An error occured while adding the audio file to the image.");
return new VideoInfo(output);
/// <summary>
/// Joins a list of video files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <param name="videos">List of vides that need to be joined together.</param>
/// <returns>Output video information.</returns>
public VideoInfo Join(FileInfo output, params VideoInfo[] videos)
FFMpegHelper.InputsExistExceptionCheck(videos.Select(video => video.ToFileInfo()).ToArray());
var temporaryVideoParts = videos.Select(video =>
var destinationPath = video.FullName.Replace(video.Extension, FileExtension.Ts);
Convert(video, new FileInfo(destinationPath), VideoType.Ts);
return destinationPath;
return Convert(new ArgumentContainer(
new ConcatArgument(temporaryVideoParts),
new CopyArgument(),
new BitStreamFilterArgument(Channel.Audio, Filter.Aac_AdtstoAsc),
new OutputArgument(output)
/// <summary>
/// Converts an image sequence to a video.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <param name="frameRate">FPS</param>
/// <param name="images">Image sequence collection</param>
/// <returns>Output video information.</returns>
public VideoInfo JoinImageSequence(FileInfo output, double frameRate = 30, params ImageInfo[] images)
var temporaryImageFiles = images.Select((image, index) =>
var destinationPath =
image.FullName.Replace(image.Name, $"{index.ToString().PadLeft(9, '0')}{image.Extension}");
File.Copy(image.FullName, destinationPath);
return destinationPath;
var firstImage = images.First();
var container = new ArgumentContainer(
new FrameRateArgument(frameRate),
new SizeArgument(firstImage.Width, firstImage.Height),
new StartNumberArgument(0),
new InputArgument($"{firstImage.Directory}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}%09d.png"),
new FrameOutputCountArgument(images.Length),
new VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec.LibX264),
new OutputArgument(output)
if (!RunProcess(container, output, false))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Operation,
"Could not join the provided image sequence.");
return new VideoInfo(output);
/// <summary>
/// Records M3U8 streams to the specified output.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uri">URI to pointing towards stream.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output file</param>
/// <returns>Success state.</returns>
public VideoInfo SaveM3U8Stream(Uri uri, FileInfo output)
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, FileExtension.Mp4);
if (uri.Scheme == "http" || uri.Scheme == "https")
return Convert(new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(uri),
new OutputArgument(output)
throw new ArgumentException($"Uri: {uri.AbsoluteUri}, does not point to a valid http(s) stream.");
/// <summary>
/// Strips a video file of audio.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source video file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public VideoInfo Mute(VideoInfo source, FileInfo output)
FFMpegHelper.ConversionExceptionCheck(source.ToFileInfo(), output);
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, source.Extension);
return Convert(new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(source),
new CopyArgument(Channel.Video),
new DisableChannelArgument(Channel.Audio),
new OutputArgument(output)
/// <summary>
/// Saves audio from a specific video file to disk.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source video file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output audio file.</param>
/// <returns>Success state.</returns>
public FileInfo ExtractAudio(VideoInfo source, FileInfo output)
FFMpegHelper.ConversionExceptionCheck(source.ToFileInfo(), output);
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, FileExtension.Mp3);
var container = new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(source),
new DisableChannelArgument(Channel.Video),
new OutputArgument(output)
if (!RunProcess(container, output, false))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Operation,
"Could not extract the audio from the requested video.");
return output;
/// <summary>
/// Adds audio to a video file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source video file.</param>
/// <param name="audio">Source audio file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <param name="stopAtShortest">Indicates if the encoding should stop at the shortest input file.</param>
/// <returns>Success state</returns>
public VideoInfo ReplaceAudio(VideoInfo source, FileInfo audio, FileInfo output, bool stopAtShortest = false)
FFMpegHelper.ConversionExceptionCheck(source.ToFileInfo(), output);
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, source.Extension);
return Convert(new ArgumentContainer(
new InputArgument(source.FullName, audio.FullName),
new CopyArgument(),
new AudioCodecArgument(AudioCodec.Aac),
new AudioBitrateArgument(AudioQuality.Hd),
new ShortestArgument(stopAtShortest),
new OutputArgument(output)
public VideoInfo Convert(ArgumentContainer arguments, bool skipExistsCheck = false)
var (sources, output) = GetInputOutput(arguments);
if (sources != null)
_totalTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(sources.Sum(source => source.Duration.TotalSeconds));
if (!RunProcess(arguments, output, skipExistsCheck))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Conversion, "Could not process file without error");
_totalTime = TimeSpan.MinValue;
return output != null && output.Exists ? new VideoInfo(output) : null;
public async Task<VideoInfo> ConvertAsync(ArgumentContainer arguments, bool skipExistsCheck = false)
var (sources, output) = GetInputOutput(arguments);
if (sources != null)
_totalTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(sources.Sum(source => source.Duration.TotalSeconds));
if (!await RunProcessAsync(arguments, output, skipExistsCheck))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Conversion, "Could not process file without error");
_totalTime = TimeSpan.MinValue;
return output != null && output.Exists ? new VideoInfo(output) : null;
private static (VideoInfo[] Input, FileInfo Output) GetInputOutput(ArgumentContainer arguments)
FileInfo output;
if (arguments.TryGetArgument<OutputArgument>(out var outputArg))
output = outputArg.GetAsFileInfo();
else if (arguments.TryGetArgument<OutputPipeArgument>(out var outputPipeArg))
output = null;
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Operation, "No output argument found");
VideoInfo[] sources;
if (arguments.TryGetArgument<InputArgument>(out var input))
sources = input.GetAsVideoInfo();
else if (arguments.TryGetArgument<ConcatArgument>(out var concat))
sources = concat.GetAsVideoInfo();
else if (arguments.TryGetArgument<InputPipeArgument>(out var pipe))
sources = null;
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Operation, "No input or concat argument found");
return (sources, output);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the associated process is still alive/running.
/// </summary>
public bool IsWorking => _instance.Started;
/// <summary>
/// Stops any current job that FFMpeg is running.
/// </summary>
public void Stop()
if (IsWorking)
#region Private Members & Methods
private readonly string _ffmpegPath;
private TimeSpan _totalTime;
private bool RunProcess(ArgumentContainer container, FileInfo output, bool skipExistsCheck)
var arguments = ArgumentBuilder.BuildArguments(container);
var exitCode = -1;
if (container.TryGetArgument<InputPipeArgument>(out var inputPipeArgument))
if (container.TryGetArgument<OutputPipeArgument>(out var outputPipeArgument))
_instance = new Instance(_ffmpegPath, arguments);
_instance.DataReceived += OutputData;
if (inputPipeArgument != null || outputPipeArgument != null)
using (var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource())
var concurrentTasks = new List<Task>();
.ContinueWith((t =>
exitCode = t.Result;
if (exitCode != 0)
if (inputPipeArgument != null)
.ContinueWith((t) =>
if (t.Exception != null)
throw t.Exception;
if (outputPipeArgument != null)
.ContinueWith((t) =>
if (t.Exception != null)
throw t.Exception;
Task.WaitAll(concurrentTasks.ToArray()/*, tokenSource.Token*/);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, string.Join("\n", _instance.ErrorData), ex);
exitCode = _instance.BlockUntilFinished();
if(exitCode != 0)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, string.Join("\n", _instance.ErrorData));
if (outputPipeArgument == null && !skipExistsCheck && (!File.Exists(output.FullName) || new FileInfo(output.FullName).Length == 0))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, string.Join("\n", _instance.ErrorData));
return exitCode == 0;
private async Task<bool> RunProcessAsync(ArgumentContainer container, FileInfo output, bool skipExistsCheck)
var arguments = ArgumentBuilder.BuildArguments(container);
var exitCode = -1;
if (container.TryGetArgument<InputPipeArgument>(out var inputPipeArgument))
if (container.TryGetArgument<OutputPipeArgument>(out var outputPipeArgument))
_instance = new Instance(_ffmpegPath, arguments);
_instance.DataReceived += OutputData;
if (inputPipeArgument != null || outputPipeArgument != null)
using (var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource())
var concurrentTasks = new List<Task>();
.ContinueWith((t =>
exitCode = t.Result;
if (exitCode != 0)
if (inputPipeArgument != null)
.ContinueWith((t) =>
if (t.Exception != null)
throw t.Exception;
if (outputPipeArgument != null)
.ContinueWith((t) =>
if (t.Exception != null)
throw t.Exception;
await Task.WhenAll(concurrentTasks);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, string.Join("\n", _instance.ErrorData), ex);
exitCode = await _instance.FinishedRunning();
if (exitCode != 0)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, string.Join("\n", _instance.ErrorData));
if (outputPipeArgument == null && !skipExistsCheck && (!File.Exists(output.FullName) || new FileInfo(output.FullName).Length == 0))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, string.Join("\n", _instance.ErrorData));
return exitCode == 0;
private void Cleanup(IEnumerable<string> pathList)
foreach (var path in pathList)
if (File.Exists(path))
private static readonly Regex ProgressRegex = new Regex(@"time=(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d?)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private Instance _instance;
private void OutputData(object sender, (DataType Type, string Data) msg)
if (OnProgress == null) return;
var match = ProgressRegex.Match(msg.Data);
if (!match.Success) return;
var processed = TimeSpan.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var percentage = Math.Round(processed.TotalSeconds / _totalTime.TotalSeconds * 100, 2);

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@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG
internal class Stream
internal int Index { get; set; }
internal string CodecName { get; set; }
internal string BitRate { get; set; }
internal string Profile { get; set; }
internal string CodecType { get; set; }
internal int Width { get; set; }
internal int Height { get; set; }
internal string Duration { get; set; }
internal string FrameRate { get; set; }
internal Tags Tags { get; set; }
internal class Tags
internal string Duration { get; set; }
internal class FFMpegStreamMetadata
internal List<Stream> Streams { get; set; }

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@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Exceptions;
using FFMpegCore.Helpers;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Instances;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument;
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes;
using System.IO;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG
public sealed class FFProbe
private readonly int _outputCapacity;
static readonly double BITS_TO_MB = 1024 * 1024 * 8;
private readonly string _ffprobePath;
public FFProbe(int outputCapacity = int.MaxValue)
_outputCapacity = outputCapacity;
_ffprobePath = FFMpegOptions.Options.FFProbeBinary;
/// <summary>
/// Probes the targeted video file and retrieves all available details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source video file.</param>
/// <returns>A video info object containing all details necessary.</returns>
public VideoInfo ParseVideoInfo(string source)
return ParseVideoInfo(new VideoInfo(source));
/// <summary>
/// Probes the targeted video file asynchronously and retrieves all available details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source video file.</param>
/// <returns>A task for the video info object containing all details necessary.</returns>
public Task<VideoInfo> ParseVideoInfoAsync(string source)
return ParseVideoInfoAsync(new VideoInfo(source));
/// <summary>
/// Probes the targeted video file and retrieves all available details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info">Source video file.</param>
/// <returns>A video info object containing all details necessary.</returns>
public VideoInfo ParseVideoInfo(VideoInfo info)
var instance = new Instance(_ffprobePath, BuildFFProbeArguments(info.FullName)) {DataBufferCapacity = _outputCapacity};
var output = string.Join("", instance.OutputData);
return ParseVideoInfoInternal(info, output);
/// <summary>
/// Probes the targeted video file asynchronously and retrieves all available details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info">Source video file.</param>
/// <returns>A video info object containing all details necessary.</returns>
public async Task<VideoInfo> ParseVideoInfoAsync(VideoInfo info)
var instance = new Instance(_ffprobePath, BuildFFProbeArguments(info.FullName)) {DataBufferCapacity = _outputCapacity};
await instance.FinishedRunning();
var output = string.Join("", instance.OutputData);
return ParseVideoInfoInternal(info, output);
/// <summary>
/// Probes the targeted video stream and retrieves all available details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Encoded video stream.</param>
/// <returns>A video info object containing all details necessary.</returns>
public VideoInfo ParseVideoInfo(System.IO.Stream stream)
var info = new VideoInfo();
var streamPipeSource = new StreamPipeDataWriter(stream);
var pipeArgument = new InputPipeArgument(streamPipeSource);
var instance = new Instance(_ffprobePath, BuildFFProbeArguments(pipeArgument.PipePath)) { DataBufferCapacity = _outputCapacity };
var task = instance.FinishedRunning();
var exitCode = task.ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (exitCode != 0)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, "FFProbe process returned exit status " + exitCode);
var output = string.Join("", instance.OutputData);
return ParseVideoInfoInternal(info, output);
/// <summary>
/// Probes the targeted video stream asynchronously and retrieves all available details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Encoded video stream.</param>
/// <returns>A video info object containing all details necessary.</returns>
public async Task<VideoInfo> ParseVideoInfoAsync(System.IO.Stream stream)
var info = new VideoInfo();
var streamPipeSource = new StreamPipeDataWriter(stream);
var pipeArgument = new InputPipeArgument(streamPipeSource);
var instance = new Instance(_ffprobePath, BuildFFProbeArguments(pipeArgument.PipePath)) { DataBufferCapacity = _outputCapacity };
var task = instance.FinishedRunning();
await pipeArgument.ProcessDataAsync();
catch (IOException)
var exitCode = await task;
if (exitCode != 0)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, "FFProbe process returned exit status " + exitCode);
var output = string.Join("", instance.OutputData);
return ParseVideoInfoInternal(info, output);
private static string BuildFFProbeArguments(string fullPath) =>
$"-v quiet -print_format json -show_streams \"{fullPath}\"";
private VideoInfo ParseVideoInfoInternal(VideoInfo info, string probeOutput)
var metadata = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FFMpegStreamMetadata>(probeOutput);
if (metadata?.Streams == null || metadata.Streams.Count == 0)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.File, $"No video or audio streams could be detected. Source: ${info.FullName}");
var video = metadata.Streams.Find(s => s.CodecType == "video");
var audio = metadata.Streams.Find(s => s.CodecType == "audio");
var videoSize = 0d;
var audioSize = 0d;
var sDuration = (video ?? audio).Duration;
var duration = TimeSpan.Zero;
if (sDuration != null)
duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(double.TryParse(sDuration, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var output) ? output : 0);
sDuration = (video ?? audio).Tags.Duration;
if (sDuration != null)
TimeSpan.TryParse(sDuration.Remove(sDuration.LastIndexOf('.') + 8), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out duration); // TimeSpan fractions only allow up to 7 digits
info.Duration = duration;
if (video != null)
var bitRate = Convert.ToDouble(video.BitRate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var fr = video.FrameRate.Split('/');
var commonDenominator = FFProbeHelper.Gcd(video.Width, video.Height);
videoSize = bitRate * duration.TotalSeconds / BITS_TO_MB;
info.VideoFormat = video.CodecName;
info.Width = video.Width;
info.Height = video.Height;
info.FrameRate = Math.Round(
Convert.ToDouble(fr[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) /
Convert.ToDouble(fr[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
info.Ratio = video.Width / commonDenominator + ":" + video.Height / commonDenominator;
} else
info.VideoFormat = "none";
if (audio != null)
var bitRate = Convert.ToDouble(audio.BitRate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
info.AudioFormat = audio.CodecName;
audioSize = bitRate * duration.TotalSeconds / BITS_TO_MB;
} else
info.AudioFormat = "none";
info.Size = Math.Round(videoSize + audioSize, 2);
return info;
internal FFMpegStreamMetadata GetMetadata(string path)
var instance = new Instance(_ffprobePath, BuildFFProbeArguments(path)) { DataBufferCapacity = _outputCapacity };
var output = string.Join("", instance.OutputData);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FFMpegStreamMetadata>(output);
internal async Task<FFMpegStreamMetadata> GetMetadataAsync(string path)
var instance = new Instance(_ffprobePath, BuildFFProbeArguments(path)) { DataBufferCapacity = _outputCapacity };
await instance.FinishedRunning();
var output = string.Join("", instance.OutputData);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FFMpegStreamMetadata>(output);

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes
static class PipeHelpers
public static string GetUnqiuePipeName() => "FFMpegCore_Pipe_" + Guid.NewGuid();
public static string GetPipePath(string pipeName)
return $@"\\.\pipe\{pipeName}";

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of <see cref="IPipeDataWriter"/> used for stream redirection
/// </summary>
public class StreamPipeDataWriter : IPipeDataWriter
public System.IO.Stream Source { get; private set; }
public int BlockSize { get; set; } = 4096;
public string StreamFormat { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public StreamPipeDataWriter(System.IO.Stream stream)
Source = stream;
public void WriteData(System.IO.Stream pipe)=>
Source.CopyTo(pipe, BlockSize);
public Task WriteDataAsync(System.IO.Stream pipe) =>
Source.CopyToAsync(pipe, BlockSize);
public string GetFormat()
return StreamFormat;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of audio codec and it's quality
/// </summary>
public class AudioBitrateArgument : IArgument
public readonly int Bitrate;
public AudioBitrateArgument(AudioQuality value) : this((int)value) { }
public AudioBitrateArgument(int bitrate)
Bitrate = bitrate;
public string Text => $"-b:a {Bitrate}k";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of audio codec and it's quality
/// </summary>
public class AudioCodecArgument : IArgument
public readonly AudioCodec AudioCodec;
public AudioCodecArgument(AudioCodec audioCodec)
AudioCodec = audioCodec;
public string Text => $"-c:a {AudioCodec.ToString().ToLower()}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Audio sampling rate argument. Defaults to 48000 (Hz)
/// </summary>
public class AudioSamplingRateArgument : IArgument
public readonly int SamplingRate;
public AudioSamplingRateArgument(int samplingRate = 48000)
SamplingRate = samplingRate;
public string Text => $"-ar {SamplingRate}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of bitstream filter
/// </summary>
public class BitStreamFilterArgument : IArgument
public readonly Channel Channel;
public readonly Filter Filter;
public BitStreamFilterArgument(Channel channel, Filter filter)
Channel = channel;
Filter = filter;
public string Text => Channel switch
Channel.Audio => $"-bsf:a {Filter.ToString().ToLower()}",
Channel.Video => $"-bsf:v {Filter.ToString().ToLower()}",
_ => string.Empty

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of concat argument
/// Used for creating video from multiple images or videos
/// </summary>
public class ConcatArgument : IInputArgument
public readonly IEnumerable<string> Values;
public ConcatArgument(IEnumerable<string> values)
Values = values;
public string Text => $"-i \"concat:{string.Join(@"|", Values)}\"";

View file

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Constant Rate Factor (CRF) argument
/// </summary>
public class ConstantRateFactorArgument : Argument<int>
public class ConstantRateFactorArgument : IArgument
public ConstantRateFactorArgument(int crf) : base(crf)
public readonly int Crf;
public ConstantRateFactorArgument(int crf)
if (crf < 0 || crf > 63)
throw new ArgumentException("Argument is outside range (0 - 63)", nameof(crf));
Crf = crf;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-crf {Value}";
public string Text => $"-crf {Crf}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents parameter of copy parameter
/// Defines if channel (audio, video or both) should be copied to output file
/// </summary>
public class CopyArgument : IArgument
public readonly Channel Channel;
public CopyArgument(Channel channel = Channel.Both)
Channel = channel;
public string Text => Channel switch
Channel.Audio => "-c:a copy",
Channel.Video => "-c:v copy",
_ => "-c copy"

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents cpu speed parameter
/// </summary>
public class CpuSpeedArgument : IArgument
public readonly int CpuSpeed;
public CpuSpeedArgument(int cpuSpeed)
CpuSpeed = cpuSpeed;
public string Text => $"-quality good -cpu-used {CpuSpeed} -deadline realtime";

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
public class CustomArgument : IArgument
public readonly string Argument;
public CustomArgument(string argument)
Argument = argument;
public string Text => Argument ?? string.Empty;

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.Exceptions;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents cpu speed parameter
/// </summary>
public class DisableChannelArgument : IArgument
public readonly Channel Channel;
public DisableChannelArgument(Channel channel)
if (channel == Channel.Both)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Conversion, "Cannot disable both channels");
Channel = channel;
public string Text => Channel switch
Channel.Video => "-vn",
Channel.Audio => "-an",
_ => string.Empty

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Drawtext video filter argument
/// </summary>
public class DrawTextArgument : IArgument
public readonly DrawTextOptions Options;
public DrawTextArgument(DrawTextOptions options)
Options = options;
public string Text => $"-vf drawtext=\"{Options.TextInternal}\"";
public class DrawTextOptions
public readonly string Text;
public readonly string Font;
public readonly List<(string key, string value)> Parameters;
public static DrawTextOptions Create(string text, string font)
return new DrawTextOptions(text, font, new List<(string, string)>());
public static DrawTextOptions Create(string text, string font, params (string key, string value)[] parameters)
return new DrawTextOptions(text, font, parameters);
internal string TextInternal => string.Join(":", new[] {("text", Text), ("fontfile", Font)}.Concat(Parameters).Select(FormatArgumentPair));
private static string FormatArgumentPair((string key, string value) pair)
return $"{pair.key}={EncloseIfContainsSpace(pair.value)}";
private static string EncloseIfContainsSpace(string input)
return input.Contains(" ") ? $"'{input}'" : input;
private DrawTextOptions(string text, string font, IEnumerable<(string, string)> parameters)
Text = text;
Font = font;
Parameters = parameters.ToList();
public DrawTextOptions WithParameter(string key, string value)
Parameters.Add((key, value));
return this;

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents duration parameter
/// </summary>
public class DurationArgument : IArgument
public readonly TimeSpan? Duration;
public DurationArgument(TimeSpan? duration)
Duration = duration;
public string Text => !Duration.HasValue ? string.Empty : $"-t {Duration.Value}";

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Faststart argument - for moving moov atom to the start of file
/// </summary>
public class FaststartArgument : IArgument
public string Text => "-movflags faststart";

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents force format parameter
/// </summary>
public class ForceFormatArgument : IArgument
private readonly string _format;
public ForceFormatArgument(string format)
_format = format;
public ForceFormatArgument(VideoCodec value) : this(value.ToString().ToLower()) { }
public string Text => $"-f {_format}";

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents frame output count parameter
/// </summary>
public class FrameOutputCountArgument : IArgument
public readonly int Frames;
public FrameOutputCountArgument(int frames)
Frames = frames;
public string Text => $"-vframes {Frames}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents frame rate parameter
/// </summary>
public class FrameRateArgument : IArgument
public readonly double Framerate;
public FrameRateArgument(double framerate)
Framerate = framerate;
public string Text => $"-r {Framerate}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents input parameter
/// </summary>
public class InputArgument : IInputArgument
public readonly bool VerifyExists;
public readonly string[] FilePaths;
public InputArgument(bool verifyExists, params string[] filePaths)
VerifyExists = verifyExists;
FilePaths = filePaths;
public InputArgument(params string[] filePaths) : this(true, filePaths) { }
public InputArgument(params FileInfo[] fileInfos) : this(false, fileInfos) { }
public InputArgument(params Uri[] uris) : this(false, uris) { }
public InputArgument(bool verifyExists, params FileInfo[] fileInfos) : this(verifyExists, fileInfos.Select(v => v.FullName).ToArray()) { }
public InputArgument(bool verifyExists, params Uri[] uris) : this(verifyExists, uris.Select(v => v.AbsoluteUri).ToArray()) { }
public void Pre()
if (!VerifyExists) return;
foreach (var filePath in FilePaths)
if (!File.Exists(filePath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Input file not found", filePath);
public string Text => string.Join(" ", FilePaths.Select(v => $"-i \"{v}\""));
public interface IArgument
/// <summary>
/// The textual representation of the argument
/// </summary>
string Text { get; }
public interface IInputOutputArgument : IArgument
void Pre() {}
Task During(CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null) => Task.CompletedTask;
void Post() {}
public interface IInputArgument : IInputOutputArgument
public interface IOutputArgument : IInputOutputArgument

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@ -1,32 +1,23 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes;
using Instances;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FFMpegCore.Pipes;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents input parameter for a named pipe
/// </summary>
public class InputPipeArgument : PipeArgument
public IPipeDataWriter Writer { get; private set; }
public readonly IPipeDataWriter Writer;
public InputPipeArgument(IPipeDataWriter writer) : base(PipeDirection.Out)
Writer = writer;
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-y {Writer.GetFormat()} -i \"{PipePath}\"";
public override string Text => $"-y {Writer.GetFormat()} -i \"{PipePath}\"";
public override async Task ProcessDataAsync(CancellationToken token)

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents loop parameter
/// </summary>
public class LoopArgument : IArgument
public readonly int Times;
public LoopArgument(int times)
Times = times;
public string Text => $"-loop {Times}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using FFMpegCore.Exceptions;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents output parameter
/// </summary>
public class OutputArgument : IOutputArgument
public readonly string Path;
public readonly bool Overwrite;
public OutputArgument(string path, bool overwrite = false)
Path = path;
Overwrite = overwrite;
public void Pre()
if (!Overwrite && File.Exists(Path))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.File, "Output file already exists and overwrite is disabled");
public void Post()
if (!File.Exists(Path))
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.File, "Output file was not created");
public OutputArgument(FileInfo value) : this(value.FullName) { }
public OutputArgument(Uri value) : this(value.AbsolutePath) { }
public string Text => $"\"{Path}\"{(Overwrite ? " -y" : string.Empty)}";

View file

@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
using FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Pipes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FFMpegCore.Pipes;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
public class OutputPipeArgument : PipeArgument
public IPipeDataReader Reader { get; private set; }
public readonly IPipeDataReader Reader;
public OutputPipeArgument(IPipeDataReader reader) : base(PipeDirection.In)
Reader = reader;
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"\"{PipePath}\" -y";
public override string Text => $"\"{PipePath}\" -y";
public override async Task ProcessDataAsync(CancellationToken token)

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents overwrite parameter
/// If output file should be overwritten if exists
/// </summary>
public class OverwriteArgument : IArgument
public string Text => "-y";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
using System;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FFMpegCore.Pipes;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
public abstract class PipeArgument : IInputArgument, IOutputArgument
private string PipeName { get; }
public string PipePath => PipeHelpers.GetPipePath(PipeName);
protected NamedPipeServerStream Pipe { get; private set; } = null!;
private readonly PipeDirection _direction;
protected PipeArgument(PipeDirection direction)
PipeName = PipeHelpers.GetUnqiuePipeName();
_direction = direction;
public void Pre()
if (Pipe != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Pipe already has been opened");
Pipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(PipeName, _direction, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous);
public void Post()
Pipe = null!;
public async Task During(CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)
await ProcessDataAsync(cancellationToken ?? CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
public abstract Task ProcessDataAsync(CancellationToken token);
public abstract string Text { get; }

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
public class QuietArgument : IArgument
public string Text => "-hide_banner -loglevel warning";

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Remove metadata argument
/// </summary>
public class RemoveMetadataArgument : IArgument
public string Text => "-map_metadata -1";

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using System.Drawing;
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents scale parameter
/// </summary>
public class ScaleArgument : IArgument
public readonly Size? Size;
public ScaleArgument(Size? size)
Size = size;
public ScaleArgument(int width, int height) : this(new Size(width, height)) { }
public ScaleArgument(VideoSize videosize)
Size = videosize == VideoSize.Original ? new Size(-1, -1) : new Size(-1, (int)videosize);
public virtual string Text => Size.HasValue ? $"-vf scale={Size.Value.Width}:{Size.Value.Height}" : string.Empty;

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents seek parameter
/// </summary>
public class SeekArgument : IArgument
public readonly TimeSpan? SeekTo;
public SeekArgument(TimeSpan? seekTo)
SeekTo = seekTo;
public string Text => !SeekTo.HasValue ? string.Empty : $"-ss {SeekTo.Value}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents shortest parameter
/// </summary>
public class ShortestArgument : IArgument
public readonly bool Shortest;
public ShortestArgument(bool shortest)
Shortest = shortest;
public string Text => Shortest ? "-shortest" : string.Empty;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
using System.Drawing;
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents size parameter
/// </summary>
public class SizeArgument : ScaleArgument
public SizeArgument(Size? value) : base(value) { }
public SizeArgument(VideoSize videosize) : base(videosize) { }
public SizeArgument(int width, int height) : base(width, height) { }
public override string Text => Size.HasValue ? $"-s {Size.Value.Width}x{Size.Value.Height}" : string.Empty;

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents speed parameter
/// </summary>
public class SpeedPresetArgument : IArgument
public readonly Speed Speed;
public SpeedPresetArgument(Speed speed)
Speed = speed;
public string Text => $"-preset {Speed.ToString().ToLower()}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents start number parameter
/// </summary>
public class StartNumberArgument : IArgument
public readonly int StartNumber;
public StartNumberArgument(int startNumber)
StartNumber = startNumber;
public string Text => $"-start_number {StartNumber}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents threads parameter
/// Number of threads used for video encoding
/// </summary>
public class ThreadsArgument : IArgument
public readonly int Threads;
public ThreadsArgument(int threads)
Threads = threads;
public ThreadsArgument(bool isMultiThreaded) : this(isMultiThreaded ? Environment.ProcessorCount : 1) { }
public string Text => $"-threads {Threads}";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Transpose argument.
/// 0 = 90CounterCLockwise and Vertical Flip (default)
/// 1 = 90Clockwise
/// 2 = 90CounterClockwise
/// 3 = 90Clockwise and Vertical Flip
/// </summary>
public class TransposeArgument : IArgument
public readonly Transposition Transposition;
public TransposeArgument(Transposition transposition)
Transposition = transposition;
public string Text => $"-vf \"transpose={(int)Transposition}\"";

View file

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
using System;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Argument
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Variable Bitrate Argument (VBR) argument
/// </summary>
public class VariableBitRateArgument : Argument<int>
public class VariableBitRateArgument : IArgument
public VariableBitRateArgument(int vbr) : base(vbr)
public readonly int Vbr;
public VariableBitRateArgument(int vbr)
if (vbr < 0 || vbr > 5)
throw new ArgumentException("Argument is outside range (0 - 5)", nameof(vbr));
Vbr = vbr;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string GetStringValue()
return $"-vbr {Value}";
public string Text => $"-vbr {Vbr}";

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents video bitrate parameter
/// </summary>
public class VideoBitrateArgument : IArgument
public readonly int Bitrate;
public VideoBitrateArgument(int bitrate)
Bitrate = bitrate;
public string Text => $"-b:v {Bitrate}k";

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
namespace FFMpegCore.Arguments
/// <summary>
/// Represents video codec parameter
/// </summary>
public class VideoCodecArgument : IArgument
public readonly string Codec;
public VideoCodecArgument(string codec)
Codec = codec;
public VideoCodecArgument(VideoCodec value) : this(value.ToString().ToLower()) { }
public string Text => $"-c:v {Codec} -pix_fmt yuv420p";

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums
namespace FFMpegCore.Enums
public enum AudioQuality
Ultra = 384,
VeryHigh = 256,
Hd = 192,
Good = 192,
Normal = 128,
BelowNormal = 96,
Low = 64

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums
namespace FFMpegCore.Enums
public enum VideoCodec

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums
namespace FFMpegCore.Enums
public enum Speed

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.Enums
public enum Transposition
CounterClockwise90VerticalFlip = 0,
Clockwise90 = 1,
CounterClockwise90 = 2,
Clockwise90VerticalFlip = 3

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Enums
namespace FFMpegCore.Enums
public enum VideoSize

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace FFMpegCore.FFMPEG.Exceptions
namespace FFMpegCore.Exceptions
public enum FFMpegExceptionType
@ -14,11 +13,9 @@ public enum FFMpegExceptionType
public class FFMpegException : Exception
public FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType type, StringBuilder sb): this(type, sb.ToString(), null) { }
public FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType type, string message): this(type, message, null) { }
public FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType type, string message = null, Exception innerException = null)
public FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType type, string? message = null, Exception? innerException = null)
: base(message, innerException)
Type = type;

FFMpegCore/FFMpeg/FFMpeg.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.Helpers;
namespace FFMpegCore
public static class FFMpeg
/// <summary>
/// Saves a 'png' thumbnail from the input video.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source video file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output video file</param>
/// <param name="captureTime">Seek position where the thumbnail should be taken.</param>
/// <param name="size">Thumbnail size. If width or height equal 0, the other will be computed automatically.</param>
/// <param name="persistSnapshotOnFileSystem">By default, it deletes the created image on disk. If set to true, it won't delete the image</param>
/// <returns>Bitmap with the requested snapshot.</returns>
public static Bitmap Snapshot(MediaAnalysis source, string output, Size? size = null, TimeSpan? captureTime = null,
bool persistSnapshotOnFileSystem = false)
if (captureTime == null)
captureTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(source.Duration.TotalSeconds / 3);
if (Path.GetExtension(output) != FileExtension.Png)
output = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(output) + FileExtension.Png;
if (size == null || (size.Value.Height == 0 && size.Value.Width == 0))
size = new Size(source.PrimaryVideoStream.Width, source.PrimaryVideoStream.Height);
if (size.Value.Width != size.Value.Height)
if (size.Value.Width == 0)
var ratio = source.PrimaryVideoStream.Width / (double)size.Value.Width;
size = new Size((int)(source.PrimaryVideoStream.Width * ratio), (int)(source.PrimaryVideoStream.Height * ratio));
if (size.Value.Height == 0)
var ratio = source.PrimaryVideoStream.Height / (double)size.Value.Height;
size = new Size((int)(source.PrimaryVideoStream.Width * ratio), (int)(source.PrimaryVideoStream.Height * ratio));
var success = FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, source.Path)
if (!success)
throw new OperationCanceledException("Could not take snapshot!");
Bitmap result;
using (var bmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(output))
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
bmp.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
result = new Bitmap(ms);
if (File.Exists(output) && !persistSnapshotOnFileSystem)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a video do a different format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Input video source.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output information.</param>
/// <param name="type">Target conversion video type.</param>
/// <param name="speed">Conversion target speed/quality (faster speed = lower quality).</param>
/// <param name="size">Video size.</param>
/// <param name="audioQuality">Conversion target audio quality.</param>
/// <param name="multithreaded">Is encoding multithreaded.</param>
/// <returns>Output video information.</returns>
public static bool Convert(
MediaAnalysis source,
string output,
VideoType type = VideoType.Mp4,
Speed speed = Speed.SuperFast,
VideoSize size = VideoSize.Original,
AudioQuality audioQuality = AudioQuality.Normal,
bool multithreaded = false)
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, type.Extension());
var scale = VideoSize.Original == size ? 1 : (double)source.PrimaryVideoStream.Height / (int)size;
var outputSize = new Size((int)(source.PrimaryVideoStream.Width / scale), (int)(source.PrimaryVideoStream.Height / scale));
if (outputSize.Width % 2 != 0)
outputSize.Width += 1;
return type switch
VideoType.Mp4 => FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, source.Path)
VideoType.Ogv => FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, source.Path)
VideoType.Ts => FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, source.Path)
.WithBitStreamFilter(Channel.Video, Filter.H264_Mp4ToAnnexB)
VideoType.WebM => FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, source.Path)
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type))
/// <summary>
/// Adds a poster image to an audio file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image">Source image file.</param>
/// <param name="audio">Source audio file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool PosterWithAudio(string image, string audio, string output)
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, FileExtension.Mp4);
return FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, image, audio)
/// <summary>
/// Joins a list of video files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <param name="videos">List of vides that need to be joined together.</param>
/// <returns>Output video information.</returns>
public static bool Join(string output, params MediaAnalysis[] videos)
var temporaryVideoParts = videos.Select(video =>
var destinationPath = video.Path.Replace(video.Extension, FileExtension.Ts);
Convert(video, destinationPath, VideoType.Ts);
return destinationPath;
return FFMpegArguments
.WithBitStreamFilter(Channel.Audio, Filter.Aac_AdtstoAsc)
/// <summary>
/// Converts an image sequence to a video.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <param name="frameRate">FPS</param>
/// <param name="images">Image sequence collection</param>
/// <returns>Output video information.</returns>
public static bool JoinImageSequence(string output, double frameRate = 30, params ImageInfo[] images)
var temporaryImageFiles = images.Select((image, index) =>
var destinationPath = image.FullName.Replace(image.Name, $"{index.ToString().PadLeft(9, '0')}{image.Extension}");
File.Copy(image.FullName, destinationPath);
return destinationPath;
var firstImage = images.First();
return FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(false, Path.Join(firstImage.Directory.FullName, "%09d.png"))
.Resize(firstImage.Width, firstImage.Height)
/// <summary>
/// Records M3U8 streams to the specified output.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uri">URI to pointing towards stream.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output file</param>
/// <returns>Success state.</returns>
public static bool SaveM3U8Stream(Uri uri, string output)
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, FileExtension.Mp4);
if (uri.Scheme == "http" || uri.Scheme == "https")
return FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(false, uri)
throw new ArgumentException($"Uri: {uri.AbsoluteUri}, does not point to a valid http(s) stream.");
/// <summary>
/// Strips a video file of audio.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input video file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool Mute(string input, string output)
var source = FFProbe.Analyse(input);
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, source.Extension);
return FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, source.Path)
/// <summary>
/// Saves audio from a specific video file to disk.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Source video file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output audio file.</param>
/// <returns>Success state.</returns>
public static bool ExtractAudio(string input, string output)
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, FileExtension.Mp3);
return FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, input)
/// <summary>
/// Adds audio to a video file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Source video file.</param>
/// <param name="inputAudio">Source audio file.</param>
/// <param name="output">Output video file.</param>
/// <param name="stopAtShortest">Indicates if the encoding should stop at the shortest input file.</param>
/// <returns>Success state</returns>
public static bool ReplaceAudio(string input, string inputAudio, string output, bool stopAtShortest = false)
var source = FFProbe.Analyse(input);
FFMpegHelper.ExtensionExceptionCheck(output, source.Extension);
return FFMpegArguments
.FromInputFiles(true, source.Path, inputAudio)
private static void Cleanup(IEnumerable<string> pathList)
foreach (var path in pathList)
if (File.Exists(path))

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