support added for linux, macos

win32, win64, lnx32, lnx64, lnx-armhf, lnx-armel, lnx-arm64, osx64
This commit is contained in:
Kerry Cao 2023-09-06 01:25:51 -06:00
parent d44c77c958
commit da7d1fafed
2 changed files with 209 additions and 137 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using FFMpegCore.Helpers;
using FFMpegCore.Helpers;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace FFMpegCore.Test;
@ -8,58 +7,18 @@ namespace FFMpegCore.Test;
public class DownloaderTests
public void GetLatestSuiteTest()
public void GetAllLatestSuiteTest()
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
var fileNames = FFMpegDownloader.AutoDownloadFFMpegSuite();
Assert.IsTrue(fileNames.Count == 3);
Assert.Inconclusive("This test is only for Windows");
var binaries = FFMpegDownloader.DownloadFFMpegSuite(binaries: FFMpegDownloader.FFMpegBinaries.FFProbe |
FFMpegDownloader.FFMpegBinaries.FFMpeg |
Assert.IsTrue(binaries.Count >= 2); // many platforms have only ffmpeg and ffprobe
public void GetLatestFFMpegTest()
public void GetSpecificVersionTest()
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
var fileNames = FFMpegDownloader.AutoDownloadFFMpeg();
Assert.IsTrue(fileNames.Count == 1);
Assert.Inconclusive("This test is only for Windows");
public void GetLatestFFProbeTest()
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
var fileNames = FFMpegDownloader.AutoDownloadFFProbe();
Assert.IsTrue(fileNames.Count == 1);
Assert.Inconclusive("This test is only for Windows");
public void GetLatestFFPlayTest()
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
var fileNames = FFMpegDownloader.AutoDownloadFFPlay();
Assert.IsTrue(fileNames.Count == 1);
Assert.Inconclusive("This test is only for Windows");
var binaries = FFMpegDownloader.DownloadFFMpegSuite(FFMpegDownloader.FFMpegVersions.V4_0).Result;
Assert.IsTrue(binaries.Count == 2);

View file

@ -1,43 +1,38 @@
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
namespace FFMpegCore.Helpers;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
/// <summary>
/// Downloads the latest FFMpeg suite binaries from GitHub. Only supported for windows at the moment.
/// Downloads the latest FFMpeg suite binaries from
/// </summary>
public class FFMpegDownloader // this class is built to be easily modified to support other platforms
public class FFMpegDownloader
private static Dictionary<FFMpegVersions, string> Windows64FFMpegDownloadUrls = new()
public enum FFMpegBinaries : ushort
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_4_1, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_2_1, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_2, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_1, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_0, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_4, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_3, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_2, ""},
/// <summary>
/// FFMpeg binary
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<FFMpegVersions, string> Windows32FFMpegDownloadUrls = new()
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_4_1, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_2_1, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_2, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_1, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_0, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_4, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_3, ""},
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_2, ""},
/// <summary>
/// FFProbe binary
/// </summary>
public enum FFMpegVersions
/// <summary>
/// FFPlay binary
/// </summary>
public enum FFMpegVersions : ushort
@ -48,70 +43,71 @@ public enum FFMpegVersions
public static List<string> AutoDownloadFFMpegSuite(FFMpegVersions version = FFMpegVersions.V4_4_1)
/// <summary>
/// Download the latest FFMpeg suite binaries for current platform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">used to explicitly state the version of binary you want to download</param>
/// <param name="binaries">used to explicitly state the binary you want to download</param>
/// <returns>a list of the binaries that have been successfully downloaded</returns>
public static async Task<List<string>> DownloadFFMpegSuite(FFMpegVersions version = FFMpegVersions.Latest,
FFMpegBinaries binaries = FFMpegBinaries.FFMpeg | FFMpegBinaries.FFProbe)
var files = AutoDownloadFFMpeg(version);
var versionInfo = await GetVersionInfo(version);
var downloadInfo = versionInfo.BinaryInfo?.GetCompatibleDownloadInfo() ??
throw new FFMpegDownloaderException("Failed to get compatible download info");
return files;
var successList = new List<string>();
// if ffmpeg is selected
if (binaries.HasFlag(FFMpegBinaries.FFMpeg) && downloadInfo.FFMpeg is not null)
var zipStream = DownloadFileAsSteam(new Uri(downloadInfo.FFMpeg));
public static List<string> AutoDownloadFFMpeg(FFMpegVersions version = FFMpegVersions.V4_4_1)
// if ffprobe is selected
if (binaries.HasFlag(FFMpegBinaries.FFProbe) && downloadInfo.FFProbe is not null)
var url = Environment.Is64BitProcess
? new Uri(Windows64FFMpegDownloadUrls[version])
: new Uri(Windows32FFMpegDownloadUrls[version]);
Stream zipStream = DownloadZip(url);
return ExtractAndSave(zipStream);
var zipStream = DownloadFileAsSteam(new Uri(downloadInfo.FFProbe));
public static List<string> AutoDownloadFFProbe(FFMpegVersions version = FFMpegVersions.V4_4_1)
// if ffplay is selected
if (binaries.HasFlag(FFMpegBinaries.FFPlay) && downloadInfo.FFPlay is not null)
var url = Environment.Is64BitProcess
? new Uri(Windows64FFMpegDownloadUrls[version].Replace("ffmpeg", "ffprobe"))
: new Uri(Windows32FFMpegDownloadUrls[version].Replace("ffmpeg", "ffprobe"));
Stream zipStream = DownloadZip(url);
return ExtractAndSave(zipStream);
var zipStream = DownloadFileAsSteam(new Uri(downloadInfo.FFPlay));
public static List<string> AutoDownloadFFPlay(FFMpegVersions version = FFMpegVersions.V4_4_1)
var url = Environment.Is64BitProcess
? new Uri(Windows64FFMpegDownloadUrls[version].Replace("ffmpeg", "ffplay"))
: new Uri(Windows32FFMpegDownloadUrls[version].Replace("ffmpeg", "ffplay"));
Stream zipStream = DownloadZip(url);
return ExtractAndSave(zipStream);
return successList;
private static MemoryStream DownloadZip(Uri address)
/// <summary>
/// Download file from uri
/// </summary>
/// <param name="address">uri of the file</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static MemoryStream DownloadFileAsSteam(Uri address)
var client = new WebClient();
var zipStream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(address));
zipStream.Position = 0;
var fileStream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(address));
fileStream.Position = 0;
return zipStream;
return fileStream;
private static List<string> ExtractAndSave(Stream zipStream)
/// <summary>
/// Extracts the binaries from the zip stream and saves them to the current binary folder
/// </summary>
/// <param name="zipStream">steam of the zip file</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static List<string> ExtractZipAndSave(Stream zipStream)
using var archive = new ZipArchive(zipStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read);
List<string> files = new();
foreach (var entry in archive.Entries)
if (entry.Name is "ffmpeg.exe" or "ffmpeg" or "ffprobe.exe")
if (entry.Name is "ffmpeg" or "ffmpeg.exe" or "ffprobe.exe" or "ffprobe" or "ffplay.exe" or "ffplay")
entry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(GlobalFFOptions.Current.BinaryFolder, entry.Name), true);
files.Add(Path.Combine(GlobalFFOptions.Current.BinaryFolder, entry.Name));
@ -121,11 +117,128 @@ private static List<string> ExtractAndSave(Stream zipStream)
return files;
private static void HasValidUri(Uri uri)
#region FFbinaries api
private class DownloadInfo
if (uri.ToString() == "" || !RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
[JsonPropertyName("ffmpeg")] public string? FFMpeg { get; }
[JsonPropertyName("ffprobe")] public string? FFProbe { get; }
[JsonPropertyName("ffplay")] public string? FFPlay { get; }
private class BinaryInfo
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("The requested version of FFMpeg component is not available for your OS.");
[JsonPropertyName("windows-64")] public DownloadInfo? Windows64 { get; }
[JsonPropertyName("windows-32")] public DownloadInfo? Windows32 { get; }
[JsonPropertyName("linux-32")] public DownloadInfo? Linux32 { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("linux-64")] public DownloadInfo? Linux64 { get; }
[JsonPropertyName("linux-armhf")] public DownloadInfo? LinuxArmhf { get; }
[JsonPropertyName("linux-armel")] public DownloadInfo? LinuxArmel { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("linux-arm64")] public DownloadInfo? LinuxArm64 { get; }
[JsonPropertyName("osx-64")] public DownloadInfo? Osx64 { get; }
public DownloadInfo? GetCompatibleDownloadInfo()
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
return RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture == Architecture.X64 ? Windows64 : Windows32;
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
return RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture switch
Architecture.X64 => Linux64,
Architecture.Arm => LinuxArmhf,
Architecture.Arm64 => LinuxArm64,
_ => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Unsupported Linux architecture")
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
return Osx64;
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Unsupported OS");
private class VersionInfo
[JsonPropertyName("version")] public string? Version { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("permalink")] public string? Permalink { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("bin")] public BinaryInfo? BinaryInfo { get; set; }
private static readonly Dictionary<FFMpegVersions, string> FFBinariesAPIs = new()
{ FFMpegVersions.Latest, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_4_1, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_2_1, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_2, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_1, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V4_0, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_4, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_3, "" },
{ FFMpegVersions.V3_2, "" }
/// <summary>
/// Get version info from
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">use to explicitly state the version of ffmpeg you want</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="FFMpegDownloaderException"></exception>
private static async Task<VersionInfo> GetVersionInfo(FFMpegVersions version)
if (!FFBinariesAPIs.TryGetValue(version, out var versionUri))
throw new FFMpegDownloaderException($"Invalid version selected: {version}", "contact dev");
HttpClient client = new();
var response = await client.GetAsync(versionUri);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new FFMpegDownloaderException($"Failed to get version info from {versionUri}", "network error");
var jsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var versionInfo = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<VersionInfo>(jsonString);
return versionInfo ??
throw new FFMpegDownloaderException($"Failed to deserialize version info from {versionUri}", jsonString);
/// <summary>
/// Custom exception for FFMpegDownloader
/// </summary>
public class FFMpegDownloaderException : Exception
public FFMpegDownloaderException(string message) : base(message)
public FFMpegDownloaderException(string message, string detail) : base(message)
Detail = detail;
public string Detail { get; set; } = "";