using System.IO.Compression; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; namespace FFMpegCore.Downloader; /// /// Downloads the latest FFMpeg suite binaries from /// public class FFMpegDownloader { [Flags] public enum FFMpegBinaries : ushort { FFMpeg, FFProbe, FFPlay } public enum FFMpegVersions : ushort { Latest, V4_4_1, V4_2_1, V4_2, V4_1, V4_0, V3_4, V3_3, V3_2 } public enum PlatformOverride : short { Windows64, Windows32, Linux64, Linux32, LinuxArmhf, LinuxArmel, LinuxArm64, Osx64 } /// /// Download the latest FFMpeg suite binaries for current platform /// /// used to explicitly state the version of binary you want to download /// used to explicitly state the binaries you want to download (ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay) /// used to explicitly state the os and architecture you want to download /// a list of the binaries that have been successfully downloaded public static async Task> DownloadFFMpegSuite( FFMpegVersions version = FFMpegVersions.Latest, FFMpegBinaries binaries = FFMpegBinaries.FFMpeg | FFMpegBinaries.FFProbe, PlatformOverride? platformOverride = null) { var versionInfo = await GetVersionInfo(version); var downloadInfo = versionInfo.BinaryInfo?.GetCompatibleDownloadInfo(platformOverride) ?? throw new FFMpegDownloaderException("Failed to get compatible download info"); var successList = new List(); // if ffmpeg is selected if (binaries.HasFlag(FFMpegBinaries.FFMpeg) && downloadInfo.FFMpeg is not null) { var zipStream = DownloadFileAsSteam(new Uri(downloadInfo.FFMpeg)); successList.AddRange(ExtractZipAndSave(zipStream)); } // if ffprobe is selected if (binaries.HasFlag(FFMpegBinaries.FFProbe) && downloadInfo.FFProbe is not null) { var zipStream = DownloadFileAsSteam(new Uri(downloadInfo.FFProbe)); successList.AddRange(ExtractZipAndSave(zipStream)); } // if ffplay is selected if (binaries.HasFlag(FFMpegBinaries.FFPlay) && downloadInfo.FFPlay is not null) { var zipStream = DownloadFileAsSteam(new Uri(downloadInfo.FFPlay)); successList.AddRange(ExtractZipAndSave(zipStream)); } return successList; } /// /// Download file from uri /// /// uri of the file /// private static MemoryStream DownloadFileAsSteam(Uri address) { var client = new WebClient(); var fileStream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(address)); fileStream.Position = 0; return fileStream; } /// /// Extracts the binaries from the zip stream and saves them to the current binary folder /// /// steam of the zip file /// private static IEnumerable ExtractZipAndSave(Stream zipStream) { using var archive = new ZipArchive(zipStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read); List files = new(); foreach (var entry in archive.Entries) { if (entry.Name is "ffmpeg" or "ffmpeg.exe" or "ffprobe.exe" or "ffprobe" or "ffplay.exe" or "ffplay") { entry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(GlobalFFOptions.Current.BinaryFolder, entry.Name), true); files.Add(Path.Combine(GlobalFFOptions.Current.BinaryFolder, entry.Name)); } } return files; } #region FFbinaries api private class DownloadInfo { [JsonPropertyName("ffmpeg")] public string? FFMpeg { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("ffprobe")] public string? FFProbe { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("ffplay")] public string? FFPlay { get; set; } } private class BinaryInfo { [JsonPropertyName("windows-64")] public DownloadInfo? Windows64 { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("windows-32")] public DownloadInfo? Windows32 { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("linux-32")] public DownloadInfo? Linux32 { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("linux-64")] public DownloadInfo? Linux64 { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("linux-armhf")] public DownloadInfo? LinuxArmhf { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("linux-armel")] public DownloadInfo? LinuxArmel { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("linux-arm64")] public DownloadInfo? LinuxArm64 { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("osx-64")] public DownloadInfo? Osx64 { get; set; } /// /// Automatically get the compatible download info for current os and architecture /// /// /// /// /// public DownloadInfo? GetCompatibleDownloadInfo(PlatformOverride? platformOverride = null) { if (platformOverride is not null) { return platformOverride switch { PlatformOverride.Windows64 => Windows64, PlatformOverride.Windows32 => Windows32, PlatformOverride.Linux64 => Linux64, PlatformOverride.Linux32 => Linux32, PlatformOverride.LinuxArmhf => LinuxArmhf, PlatformOverride.LinuxArmel => LinuxArmel, PlatformOverride.LinuxArm64 => LinuxArm64, PlatformOverride.Osx64 => Osx64, _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(platformOverride), platformOverride, null) }; } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { return RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture == Architecture.X64 ? Windows64 : Windows32; } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { return RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture switch { Architecture.X86 => Linux32, Architecture.X64 => Linux64, Architecture.Arm => LinuxArmhf, Architecture.Arm64 => LinuxArm64, _ => LinuxArmel }; } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { return Osx64; } throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Unsupported OS or Architecture"); } } private class VersionInfo { [JsonPropertyName("version")] public string? Version { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("permalink")] public string? Permalink { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("bin")] public BinaryInfo? BinaryInfo { get; set; } } private static readonly Dictionary _FFBinariesAPIs = new() { { FFMpegVersions.Latest, "" }, { FFMpegVersions.V4_4_1, "" }, { FFMpegVersions.V4_2_1, "" }, { FFMpegVersions.V4_2, "" }, { FFMpegVersions.V4_1, "" }, { FFMpegVersions.V4_0, "" }, { FFMpegVersions.V3_4, "" }, { FFMpegVersions.V3_3, "" }, { FFMpegVersions.V3_2, "" } }; /// /// Get version info from /// /// use to explicitly state the version of ffmpeg you want /// /// private static async Task GetVersionInfo(FFMpegVersions version) { if (!_FFBinariesAPIs.TryGetValue(version, out var versionUri)) { throw new FFMpegDownloaderException($"Invalid version selected: {version}", "contact dev"); } HttpClient client = new(); var response = await client.GetAsync(versionUri); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new FFMpegDownloaderException($"Failed to get version info from {versionUri}", "network error"); } var jsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var versionInfo = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(jsonString); return versionInfo ?? throw new FFMpegDownloaderException($"Failed to deserialize version info from {versionUri}", jsonString); } #endregion } /// /// Custom exception for FFMpegDownloader /// public class FFMpegDownloaderException : Exception { public FFMpegDownloaderException(string message) : base(message) { } public FFMpegDownloaderException(string message, string detail) : base(message) { Detail = detail; } public string Detail { get; set; } = ""; }