Malte Rosenbjerg 693acabac4 Cleanup after splitting into two packages (#386)
* Move PosterWithAudio to FFMpegCore

* Reduce windows only tests

* Update Directory.Build.props

* Create .editorconfig

* More cleanup

* Enable implicit usings

* Remove unused method

* Apply dotnet format

* Fix unused variable in AudioGateArgument

* Fix boolean conditions in AudioGateArgument

* Merge boolean conditions into pattern

* Use target-typed new

* Add linting to CI

* Add CUDA to HardwareAccelerationDevice enum

* Increase timeout for Video_Join_Image_Sequence

* Adjust Video_Join_Image_Sequence timeout

* Fix expected seconds in Video_Join_Image_Sequence

* Increase timeout for Video_TranscodeToMemory due to macos agents

Former-commit-id: f9f7161686
2023-02-02 21:19:45 +01:00

284 lines
10 KiB

using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.Exceptions;
using FFMpegCore.Helpers;
using Instances;
namespace FFMpegCore
public class FFMpegArgumentProcessor
private static readonly Regex ProgressRegex = new(@"time=(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d?)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private readonly List<Action<FFOptions>> _configurations;
private readonly FFMpegArguments _ffMpegArguments;
private Action<double>? _onPercentageProgress;
private Action<TimeSpan>? _onTimeProgress;
private Action<string>? _onOutput;
private Action<string>? _onError;
private TimeSpan? _totalTimespan;
private FFMpegLogLevel? _logLevel;
internal FFMpegArgumentProcessor(FFMpegArguments ffMpegArguments)
_configurations = new List<Action<FFOptions>>();
_ffMpegArguments = ffMpegArguments;
public string Arguments => _ffMpegArguments.Text;
private event EventHandler<int> CancelEvent = null!;
/// <summary>
/// Register action that will be invoked during the ffmpeg processing, when a progress time is output and parsed and progress percentage is calculated.
/// Total time is needed to calculate the percentage that has been processed of the full file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onPercentageProgress">Action to invoke when progress percentage is updated</param>
/// <param name="totalTimeSpan">The total timespan of the mediafile being processed</param>
public FFMpegArgumentProcessor NotifyOnProgress(Action<double> onPercentageProgress, TimeSpan totalTimeSpan)
_totalTimespan = totalTimeSpan;
_onPercentageProgress = onPercentageProgress;
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Register action that will be invoked during the ffmpeg processing, when a progress time is output and parsed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onTimeProgress">Action that will be invoked with the parsed timestamp as argument</param>
public FFMpegArgumentProcessor NotifyOnProgress(Action<TimeSpan> onTimeProgress)
_onTimeProgress = onTimeProgress;
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Register action that will be invoked during the ffmpeg processing, when a line is output
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onOutput"></param>
public FFMpegArgumentProcessor NotifyOnOutput(Action<string> onOutput)
_onOutput = onOutput;
return this;
public FFMpegArgumentProcessor NotifyOnError(Action<string> onError)
_onError = onError;
return this;
public FFMpegArgumentProcessor CancellableThrough(out Action cancel, int timeout = 0)
cancel = () => CancelEvent?.Invoke(this, timeout);
return this;
public FFMpegArgumentProcessor CancellableThrough(CancellationToken token, int timeout = 0)
token.Register(() => CancelEvent?.Invoke(this, timeout));
return this;
public FFMpegArgumentProcessor Configure(Action<FFOptions> configureOptions)
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the log level of this process. Overides the <see cref="FFMpegLogLevel"/>
/// that is set in the <see cref="FFOptions"/> for this specific process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logLevel">The log level of the ffmpeg execution.</param>
public FFMpegArgumentProcessor WithLogLevel(FFMpegLogLevel logLevel)
_logLevel = logLevel;
return this;
public bool ProcessSynchronously(bool throwOnError = true, FFOptions? ffMpegOptions = null)
var options = GetConfiguredOptions(ffMpegOptions);
var processArguments = PrepareProcessArguments(options, out var cancellationTokenSource);
IProcessResult? processResult = null;
processResult = Process(processArguments, cancellationTokenSource).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
catch (OperationCanceledException)
if (throwOnError)
return HandleCompletion(throwOnError, processResult?.ExitCode ?? -1, processResult?.ErrorData ?? Array.Empty<string>());
public async Task<bool> ProcessAsynchronously(bool throwOnError = true, FFOptions? ffMpegOptions = null)
var options = GetConfiguredOptions(ffMpegOptions);
var processArguments = PrepareProcessArguments(options, out var cancellationTokenSource);
IProcessResult? processResult = null;
processResult = await Process(processArguments, cancellationTokenSource).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
if (throwOnError)
return HandleCompletion(throwOnError, processResult?.ExitCode ?? -1, processResult?.ErrorData ?? Array.Empty<string>());
private async Task<IProcessResult> Process(ProcessArguments processArguments, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource)
IProcessResult processResult = null!;
using var instance = processArguments.Start();
var cancelled = false;
void OnCancelEvent(object sender, int timeout)
cancelled = true;
if (!cancellationTokenSource.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout, true))
CancelEvent += OnCancelEvent;
await Task.WhenAll(instance.WaitForExitAsync().ContinueWith(t =>
processResult = t.Result;
}), _ffMpegArguments.During(cancellationTokenSource.Token)).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (cancelled)
throw new OperationCanceledException("ffmpeg processing was cancelled");
return processResult;
CancelEvent -= OnCancelEvent;
private bool HandleCompletion(bool throwOnError, int exitCode, IReadOnlyList<string> errorData)
if (throwOnError && exitCode != 0)
throw new FFMpegException(FFMpegExceptionType.Process, $"ffmpeg exited with non-zero exit-code ({exitCode} - {string.Join("\n", errorData)})", null, string.Join("\n", errorData));
if (_totalTimespan.HasValue)
return exitCode == 0;
internal FFOptions GetConfiguredOptions(FFOptions? ffOptions)
var options = ffOptions ?? GlobalFFOptions.Current.Clone();
foreach (var configureOptions in _configurations)
return options;
private ProcessArguments PrepareProcessArguments(FFOptions ffOptions,
out CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource)
var arguments = _ffMpegArguments.Text;
//If local loglevel is null, set the global.
if (_logLevel == null)
_logLevel = ffOptions.LogLevel;
//If neither local nor global loglevel is null, set the argument.
if (_logLevel != null)
var normalizedLogLevel = _logLevel.ToString()
arguments += $" -v {normalizedLogLevel}";
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = GlobalFFOptions.GetFFMpegBinaryPath(ffOptions),
Arguments = arguments,
StandardOutputEncoding = ffOptions.Encoding,
StandardErrorEncoding = ffOptions.Encoding,
WorkingDirectory = ffOptions.WorkingDirectory
var processArguments = new ProcessArguments(startInfo);
cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
if (_onOutput != null)
processArguments.OutputDataReceived += OutputData;
if (_onError != null || _onTimeProgress != null || (_onPercentageProgress != null && _totalTimespan != null))
processArguments.ErrorDataReceived += ErrorData;
return processArguments;
private void ErrorData(object sender, string msg)
var match = ProgressRegex.Match(msg);
if (!match.Success)
var processed = TimeSpan.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (_onPercentageProgress == null || _totalTimespan == null)
var percentage = Math.Round(processed.TotalSeconds / _totalTimespan.Value.TotalSeconds * 100, 2);
private void OutputData(object sender, string msg)