--SertexText API by Ale2610 and MultMine --1.4 --normal function right(y, text ) w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(w - #text, y) write(text) end function left(y, text) term.setCursorPos(1, y) write( text ) end function center(y, text ) w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos((w - #text) / 2, y) write(text) end function centerDisplay( text ) w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(( w - string.len(text)) / 2, h / 2) write( text ) end --slow function slowRight(y, text ) w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(w - #text, y) textutils.slowWrite(text) end function slowLeft(y, text) term.setCursorPos(1, y) textutils.slowWrite( text ) end function slowCenter(y, text ) w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos((w - #text) / 2, y) textutils.slowWrite(text) end function slowCenterDisplay( text ) w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(( w - string.len(text)) / 2, h / 2) textutils.slowWrite( text ) end --color function rightColor(y, color, text) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(w - #text, y) term.setTextColor(color) write(text) end function leftColor(y, color, text) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end term.setCursorPos(1, y) term.setTextColor(color) write(text) end function centerColor(y, color, text) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos((w - #text) / 2, y) term.setTextColor(color) write(text) end function CenterDisplayColor(color, text) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end x, y = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(( x - string.len(text)) / 2, y / 2) term.setTextColor(color) write( text ) end --slow color function slowRightColor(y, color, text ) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(w - #text, y) term.setTextColor(color) textutils.slowWrite(text) end function slowLeftColor(y, color, text) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end term.setCursorPos(1, y) term.setTextColor(color) textutils.slowWrite( text ) end function slowCenterColor(y, color, text ) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end w, h = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos((w - #text) / 2, y) term.setTextColor(color) textutils.slowWrite(text) end function slowCenterDisplayColor(color, text) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end x, y = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(( x - string.len(text)) / 2, y / 2) term.setTextColor(color) textutils.slowWrite( text ) end --setCursorPos function setCursorPosText(x, y, text) term.setCursorPos(x, y) write(text) end function slowSetCursorPosText(x, y, text) term.setCursorPos(x, y) textutils.slowWrite(text) end function setCursorPosTextColor(x, y, color, text) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end term.setCursorPos(x, y) term.setTextColor(color) write(text) end function slowSetCursorPosTextColor(x, y, color, text) if not term.isColor() then print("Colors not supported") end term.setCursorPos(x, y) term.setTextColor(color) textutils.slowWrite(text) end function monitor(monitor, x, y, text) stMonitor = peripheral.wrap(monitor) stMonitor.setCursorPos(x, y) stMonitor.write(text) end function monitorColor(monitor, x, y, color, text) stMonitor = peripheral.wrap(monitor) stMonitor.setCursorPos(x, y) stMonitor.setTextColor(color) stMonitor.write(text) end function slowMonitor(monitor, x, y, text) --don't use stMonitor = peripheral.wrap(monitor) stMonitor.setCursorPos(x, y) stMonitor.write(text) --From textutils API nRate = nRate or 20 if nRate < 0 then error( "Rate must be positive", 2 ) end local nSleep = 1 / nRate sText = tostring( sText ) local x,y = term.getCursorPos(x,y) local len = string.len( sText ) for n=1,len do term.setCursorPos( x, y ) sleep( nSleep ) local nLines = write( string.sub( sText, 1, n ) ) local newX, newY = term.getCursorPos() y = newY - nLines end --end end --info function getInfo() write("SertexText API by Ale2610 and MultMine\nVersion: 1.4\n") end